I came across this one the other day when I was searching the house for old receipts for my tax returns (which I got in on time, by the way). I found it behind the magazine rack. I haven't seen it since back in January 2010.
I think it shows that I wasn't sure what to do with them. It was filled with bits of this and bits of that. Back then, it seems, I even tried drawing outdoors. Well, I say outdoors but I actually mean in the car. I remember this day well...
We'd had a lot of snow that January. I'd made a trip to the bank and parked here where I almost always park. But this day was the first time I'd ever noticed the bulls head on the wall of this building. I felt the need to draw it, and did so in the ca rwith the heater and radio on. Yeah, you've guessed it I went to drive off after making this drawing and the car wouldn't start.
These are lovely!!! The most fun is to sketch anywhere you can,even in the car. They are truly wonderful!
Beautiful work! I love the facade of that building.
Thanks for sharing these old sketches.
I wonder if that building was a pub or a butchers in a former life?
I was wondering how you did the drawing of the building with the bull's head without freezing to death! Now I see that you were in a car. Hope you managed to get it going again.
Thanks, guys.
Yes, Sue I wondered the same thing. I thought a butchers, maybe. i should find out.
I love those little details, little surprises, that you've never noticed before. Which is why I felt I had to draw it there and then. And why my car wouldnt start at the end of the drawing!
Cheers, lovelies.
I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. I think the drawings that you started are great.
Love the drawings & the story behind them!
Cheers, guys!
Just seen this pic and made me very happy. Im on tour at the mo so feeling home sick and saw this beautiful drawing! I live just round the corner :) u should of poped in for a cupper to keep ya warm. The bulls heas is an old pub. It still has a steping stone outside so ladies could get on there horses. Thanks for making my day. :)
Oh cool, Vicki. A pub? How long ago? I shall keep an eye out for the stepping stone. That's such a nice story. I'd love to have a nosey inside. x
I think me grandma can remember it being open but now its a home but ive always fancyed a look in too. a little like narnia i hope. The stocks cafe just up from there use to be the butchers that my grandads family use to work in. Its got a lot of history up there i love it. :) me grandma remembers alot about local history. X
Vicki, did you see my 'sketchy moleskine'? that has a few other views of Chapel; In A Pickle and the barbers.
We'll have to come up with an excuse to knock on the door of the Bull's head house!
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