I hope you all have a wonderful New Year. Thanks to everyone for the visits and comments. I appreciate each and everyone. I'll be back, in the new year, with a vengeance. Catch you later.
an online sketchbook
I prefer this one. Also, I want to give a little shout out to Atticus Boo, in Buxton, which is one of my favourite shops. I'm guessing it's named after characters from the classic book - and a great film to boot. It's rare that a film lives up to a favourite book, I think, but Too Kill A Mockingbird manages it.
Anyway, Atticus Boo is a tiny gift shop. You can probably get about 5 people in there, at the most, at one time. It is filled choc-a-bloc full of gorgeousness including cards by my fave children's illustrator Lauren Child, fabulous purses and handbags by Orla Kiely (that I drool over and long for the day I can afford) and it even stocks Moleskines. Not only that but it smells wonderful AND it's opposite a handmade chocolate shop. If all that's not enough, you can bet your bottom dollar, that without fail, they'll be playing Rufus Wainwright.