Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
rulers at the ready
And, another little note to say that you'll need a ruler to read all the craziness on the first page. Thanks to everyone who has bought it so far.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
a two way street

Thanks, Oli, for these lovely pics.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
the lonliness of an illustrated zine maker

You know, I've come across many a learning curve since opening my little Etsy shop, a couple of years back, and especially since I started making and selling zines. One of those curves, that I am currently in the process of tackling, is how to keep the personal touch whilst running an efficient small business.
You see, the postage and packing of the last couple of zines was ridiculously time consuming. I didn't make things easy for myself. In fact I seemed to make them impossibly difficult. Some of you who follow my blog, and who have purchased my zines, may recall the 'Nut' envelope decorating debacle. Plus, you may remember the hand written teeny weeny pixie letters and gift tags that came with 'About A Book' zine and caused my last nervous breakdown. I totally underestimated the time all of these little touches would take.
To say those experiences were stressful is a big fat understatement and I will not be going back there. Imagine hand decorating envelopes for over 250 zines. The scene below is just a glimpse into how that felt.

I hope these experiences of mine may be useful to you should you be considering zine making and opening up your own little Etsy shop.
And, finally another little plug for my new zine 'How to Draw Like a Loon'. The perfect stocking filler for anyone who loves to draw. Buy it HERE now.
Monday, December 12, 2011
bathtub gin and irving berlin

When we go on out on our sketchcrawling get-togethers I like to try to work in a different way. To play a little, if you will. And, Saturday was the perfect opportunity to do that. This is the only sketchbook drawing I made. I also took a roll of wallpaper (well, poster paper but you get the picture) and some thicker marker pens. I'm wondering quite how I'll upload that? Maybe a little video is called for.
I don't want to bang on about this too much but necessity dictates; if you are in the UK you can now get your hands on my new zine 'How t Draw like a Loon' HERE. I'll list it for the 'rest of the world' after Christmas.
Cheers, my dears!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
so lift off love

However, in waiting until I had all the components ready for the off I have missed the 'rest of the world' Christmas deadline. So, I am only going to be putting this little zine up for sale to the UK this side of Crimbo. Sorry, about that rest of the world. Don't forget to keep some of your Christmas money to get your copy after the holiday.
I'm absolutely chuffed to bits with 'How to Draw Like A Loon'. It's the best yet. I hope you will be just as chuffed.
Some actual photos to come.
So, get your copy HERE.
UK order this NOW to get your Loon before Christmas!
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
and again and again and again

I must do something similar soon.
When I made this pair of drawings I was thinking back to being a kid, and being told to tidy the room. I would literally just shove everything behind the sofa and feel that that was a job well done.
Also, you know that infamous little cat toy in the bottom right hand corner of the top drawing? Yeah? Well, can you spot it in the drawing below?
'...yeah, it's done.'

Saturday, December 03, 2011
you are perfectly reflected

This is one of two 'small thing' drawings I have completed since then. I love these drawings. It's kind of like doing a jigsaw. There's so much satisfaction in finding another piece that slots perfectly into place.
There is one issue I have with being commissioned to complete one of these drawings though; the moment when I have to ask "would you like me to include the pube?"
Friday, December 02, 2011
why i went missing
Sunday, November 20, 2011
into the light of the dark black night

Plus, on the subject, I was going to list 'How To Draw Like A Loon' today but after consulting my part time manager/shop keeper/advisor, Tim, I was advised not to. It is currently at the printers and he suggested that I do not list it until I have it in my hands and it's ready to go. That way, I shouldn't be making future posts where I apologise for it being late. Like I usually do.
Also, I would like to take this opportunity to ...er....ahem....apologise to all those who have been waiting to see their classified ads for bloody ages. I....er...welll.....uh....ahem....you know?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
and any eye for detail

Sunday, November 13, 2011
out of the blue

Monday, November 07, 2011
somewhere i can warm my bones

You know, I'm never that bothered about not having much (drawing wise) to show from the day. I get so much more out of it than that. A few months ago I would never have thought I'd be enjoying sketching outdoors. With people! The idea horrified me, quite frankly. But, it's been a revelation. Sharing a day with people who love drawing as much as I do, chit chatting about pens, paper, techniques and all the other stuff your friends and family have no interest in and noseying in every one's elses sketchbooks at the end of the day is more than enough for me.
You can see some actual drawings from the day on our Facebook page HERE.
Happy Monday, folks.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
autumn blew it's leaves at me

Friday, October 28, 2011
til my fountain pen runs dry

This drawing is partly a gift for my, ridiculously young, friend's 21st birthday and partly a thank you for all of his help and hard work in setting up my exhibition earlier this year.
For some reason the scan of this portrait hasn't done it any favours. I found the same with the cat and dog portraits. The cross hatching looks quite flat. I don't know. Plus, I was way out of my comfort zone with this subject matter. But, for my first attempt at an 'orse I'm rather pleased, and so was his owner.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
where the feeling stays

As soon as the idea came to me, probably in the shower, I felt it could look really great.
I put an outline of a couple of pairs of legs on the page and then left it.
At some point later I coloured in those legs but I still wasn't feeling it. So, I left it some more.
When I'd decided that my next zine was going to be about drawing with a four colour ballpoint I knew that that's the direction I should go with this.
This would be one of the 'big' drawings of the new zine.
Finally, over the last few days I sat down and finished it.
Which was when I really got into it.
Then I found myself thinking "why didn't you get into this sooner? I'm enjoying this drawing sooo much".
Welcome to my world.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
there'll be crocuses to bring to school tomorrow
About three years ago I embarked on a Moleskine Exchange project, with a bunch of amazing artists, by waving goodbye to my little Japanese Moleskine 'Green'. Since then he has been backpacking around the world until a couple of weeks ago when he returned home.
If you've don't know about this project head on over to the blog and check out the stunning artwork that has been produced so far. If you do know about this project then still head on over for a teaser of the new drawing added to my little Moley. It's so nice to have him home.
Click HERE to visit the Moleskine Exchange blog.
Monday, October 17, 2011
but far enough to see

So, I've decided to try a different tack; never bother coming back to this blog. Nothing interesting happens here. Nothing.
Do you think that may work? In the meantime, here's some drawings of pens.

Monday, October 10, 2011
squashed tomatoes and stew

So I'd like to say a Happy belated Birthday to my blog and I. And, I'd like to say thanks. Thank you for all the visits and comments over the past five years and 568 (!) posts. I appreciate each and everyone of them.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
tales from the riverbank

This is my favourite of my Moleskines to date. I love that it's bursting full of colour. And memories. See it all, so far, HERE.
And that exciting update in my next post. I'm not making it up so that you come back. Really, I ain't.
Saturday, October 01, 2011
the sunshine pours like wine through your window

Talking about projects, I shall be posting an update on a much overdue project shortly. It is VERY exciting. Really, it is. So come back and see it. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
One more thing, any ideas how do I stop the spam comments on my blog? They piss me off no end. Cheers, my dears.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
waiting for this moment to arise

By the way, Wil, don't worry that's not your ad!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
what you see sets you apart

Pete's work was brought to my attention by a series of coincidences which is always the best way to discover something new, I find. I loved it immediately. Whilst our styles are miles apart I think we have a lot in common. Both children of the 1970s housing estates, I relate to his humour and obsession with music.
His work seems to stand alone, it's very distinctive and individual. His little gallery is really very smart. If you are in Sheffield it is well worth a visit.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
inbetween tonight and my tomorrow

The second from the left used to be my most favourite pen ever. It's so fine and inky (no, I'm not sure what I meant by that either). Unfortunately my beloved Pilot G-Tec is being relegated to the subs bench these days. A couple of reasons for that a) it is not waterproof and b) it is most definitely not lightproof.
You might remember that I did a huge amount of work with the sepia, or brown, Pilot G-tec. In fact, I dedicated an entire Moleskine to that pen (see it HERE). And, a whole load of my favourite sepia drawings besides. So here's my question; could anyone tell me of an alternative. A brown fine liner that IS light resistant. I'd appreciate it muchly. Cheers.
Monday, September 19, 2011
that is where i'll be

I'm just putting the finishing touches to the other classifieds, they'll be blogged shortly. Thanks to all who bought their advertising slots. The funds will help towards getting this zine printed. And, as ever, thanks for your patience.
Y'all know the drill by now; click on the image to see it in detail, and to read the (end of the)story that made front page of the Bugle.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
see where that road goes

Next post; finished Classified Ads. I promise!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
oh tonight oh tonight

The 'classified ads' drawings (see last post) are just about finished and I'll try to post them by the end of the week. So, if you've bought some advertising space come back to see your hand illustrated ads. In the meantime I leave you with this craziness. Who knows what I'm ranting on about in this drawing. It's very late at night, the time of night when you shouldn't really be allowed a pen and paper and a blog.
Monday, September 05, 2011
as the dawn breaks over roof slates

One last thing, have YOU seen the bird girl? I need to know.