So whose bloody stupid idea was it to launch a new zine two weeks before Christmas? Oh, yeah, that would be me then. Anyway, it's about time I gave you an update on your orders and this is where I will be apologising profusely for the time it's taken me to get them out to you.
Now, I have a whole string of excuses for this zine being late - Christmas post, snow, away for Christmas, New Year, yada yada yada. My main issue, however, has been envelopes. You know, it feels like I have been living, breathing, sleeping and eating envelopes for the past two months.
It started when I first sourced this really gorgeous airmail envelope for this zine. They were perfect. Which was great pity as they don't actually exist. Because, it seems, that companies can advertise things for you to buy even though they don't actually have them in stock. How does that work?
I ordered this envelope from three different companies in the end. they all took my order and money but not one of them actually had it in stock. I rang every stationers in the United Kingdom. Nobody had them. It was so infuriating, especially as I'd tried my damnedest to have everything in place for when the orders came in. The original order for the envelopes was placed early November.
Look, I know it's only an envelope but by this point I was totally obsessed. Nothing else would do.
Anyway, none of that matters now. The envelope, it seems, was discontinued. So I had to come up with a replacement. Now, this is true; I ended up with plain white envelopes which, in blind panic, have all been personally doodled on and decorated by my own fair hand - all 200! I hope it goes some way to making up for the time it's taken. I really do because this little episode has taken two years off my life.
Every single zine, print and drawing ordered up to this date will be shipped by Tuesday. Many of them are already on their way. Then I am going to curl up in a dark corner and rock for some time.
Remember folks you are not just buying a zine you are buying a nervous breakdown in an envelope.
To buy 'How to Draw Like a Nut' click