The Travel Moleskine
Click HERE to see my Travel Moleskine, so far.
I thought I'd condense this travel themed Moleskine down to one post, so that it's not dominating the main page of my blog. Instead of cutting it down, however, I've just ended up doing a big huge Moley post. But, what's wrong with a bit of Moleskine love between consenting adults, eh?
The most frequently asked question from visitors to my blog, who are not part of the drawing community, is what is a Moleskine? Well, Moleskines are sketchbooks. Great ones! I think the mark of a really great product is when you don't have to advertise, your customers do the advertising for you. HERE is a link to my first ever Moleskine post, from my first ever Moleskine. I was smitten straight away.
The Ballpoint Moleskine
HERE you can see the beginnings of my Ballpoint Moleskine. It's a bit rubbish, so far, but it's just the start.
The Spare Moley

HERE you'll find the drawings from my Spare Moleskine. A kind of back up Moley. It's the substitute I call off the bench when the others are worn out from too much cross hatching.
The Sepia One

Finally, you'll see the entire set of drawings from my Sepia Moleskine
HERE. It's the only one, to date, that I've finished.
But mostly, I'm the most excited about my New Moley. Which'll be coming to your screen some time soon.
And, if you are not convinced about how great the Moleskine is yet, check out
Moleskinerie for all things Moley.
(Surely, I've broken some kind of record for the use the word Moleskine in one blog post? Somebody call Norris McWhirter.)