Last Saturday we held our monthly meeting of the
Sketchcrawl North group. Well, actually Lynne held it at her house. To keep out of the Sheffield cold and rain we had a sketching tea party. A Mad Hatter's Sketching Tea Party to be precise. There were a few rules. Everyone was to
a) wear a hat
b) bring some interesting crockery
c) make some food for the party.
A great effort was made by everyone. Specifically Lynne's husband, John, who kept us in cups of tea all day. The biscuits below were made by our newest member of the group, 9 year old Josh.

I went the French route with my hat, and took my spotty and stripey tea pots. For food, well, I focused on the word 'Mad'. So, if you'd like my recipes for Eyeball Chutney and Allotment Antipasto I'll be sharing them in my next post.
For now, go check out Lynne's fabulous drawings and photos of this magical day
HERE. Can you spot my spotty tea pot? It's never looked so good.