One of the great things about the Everyday Matters group is the amount of inspirational ideas that are discussed and passed on. Whilst skipping from blog to blog one night (as you do) I came across Michelle's blog where I learnt about the 'Four Minute Burn'. Basically you draw whatever you have in front of you for four minutes - the clue is in the title! I can see how this can improve your drawing skills and am going to try and do this on a regular basis (more good intentions!). I have attempted a few but this is the only one I'm brave enough to post!
Like the bag a lot. You captured a lot of detail and volume in a quick drawing.
I like the idea, but I don't know about 4 minutes. Reminds me of 1 minute gesture drawings from school and I hated them.
i love the idea! You drew this bag in 4 minutes?
All riiiiight!
Maybe i should try. But i anticipate frustration... :-)
Thakns guys.
This is really is a frustrating excercise but it's great when you finally get a decent one! I have got quite a few really, really dreadful sketches that I think I might just put on the fire! But this one; I 'got' the shape straight away and that's why I even had a little time for a bit of shading! I think it really makes you focus on the object you have in front of you and nothing else but drawing that object. I'm going to keep on trying 'cos afer all it's just 4 minutes and I've seen an improvement in a short amount of time. Did you take a look at Michelle's blog? Now hers are seriously good drawings for such a small amount of time.
I have never done anything like this before - I never had such tasks in school. I can imagine why that would have put you off! School put me off just about everything!!!
great job!!! i find that about 90% of my drawing can fit into the 4 minute category. it gets you to really focus on the, dare i say, "essence" of what you're looking at.
i added a link to your blog on mine. i hope that's ok.
Sorry Andrea, the "test" is from me. Blogger did not take my comments earlier today ...
Anyway. You captured all important features of the bag in that 4 minutest. Wow!
Excellent exercise and super results!
This is great! Thanks for the reminder about Michelle's "burns". Even when I'm too tired to do a "real" drawing I could certainly at least do a 4 minute burn.
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