It is a Pilot G-Tec fine liner. I have recently found other brown pens but the Pilot is still my favourite.

I use a whole load of different black pens. Sometimes I use ballpoints, but for the most my drawings are made with fine liners. Again, I use the Pilot G-Tec fine liner, but when it comes to black pens I'm not fussy about brand names as long as they are very fine fine liners! I have used Faber and Castell's Pitt pens in the past but my current favourite is the Uni Pin. I like this one so much because they seem to be have the finest of nibs.
When it comes to fine liners I usually have a variety of nib sizes, to do various jobs. When I get a fine liner that I like I'll try to buy it in 0.5, 0.2 and 0.1 sized nibs. I find all are useful, in fact I find they are all essential.What ballpoint pens do you use?
When it comes to ballpoints I will use any. I have made drawing after drawing on that subject (just enlarge the drawing above to prove it). I am no pen snob. I'll give anything a go. In my ballpoint pencil case (yes, I have a pencil case specifically for ballpoints) there are Bic, Staedler, Faber and Castell, PaperMate, amongst all sorts of others. There are the freebie pens that you get from charitys and shops, as well as the very cheap packs of ten that don't even have a brand name - they are THAT cheap.
People have often asked about the quality of ballpoints and the blotchyness, and I'll talk about that in future questions that come up about the quality and longevity of ballpoints.
For the one off drawings I use a heavyweight cartridge paper. I'm not that loyal to a brand, but Daler and Rowney and Windsor and Newton seem to be the best on the market (I'm NO expert, though!). I always use a heavyweight paper as it needs to be able to handle all the cross hatching that I throw at it. And, that's a lot of cross hatching.
I also use, as you'll know if ever been to this blog before, Moleskine sketchbooks. I adore the paper in these skecth books and always have a few on the go. They are an obsession for me.
Do you ever experiment with other media?
I've used all sorts in the past. I used to do a bit of painting, but it seems an awful lot of faffing around. I’m a bit lazy like that and can’t be bothered with washing brushes and all the setting up process that painting involves. And, anyway I always ended up drawing with the paintbrush as opposed to painting with it.
I've also used graphite pencil. I always thought that my work would be suited to it. After much practice I found this not to be true. But I’m not a fan of pencil at all. I enjoy seeing other people use it but it’s not for me.
I do love colour pencils, though, and all my colour work is made with colour pencils and colour ballpoint.
I liked this post. Totally answered some things I've always wondered about your art. I'd be interested in seeing your process. It looks like it takes some serious time to do all that hatching.
Great post!
I am addicted to Moleskin by the way :)
I never used sketchbooks before, but now I always carry a Moleskin with me (and I also have them in all sizes).
And I would looooove seeing your process!
Have great day ;)
What a great post!! I would like to know how long your fine liners last you? I use them on a daily basis too and let's just say I have never had one run out of ink - I have always destroyed the nib long before the ink goes! I would love to hear if you have any tips to prolong the life of my poor fineliner nibs :)
As an answer to Kate Hadfield and a question to you: What about the COPIC Multiliner SP? Nibs and ink reservoirs are available separately, so destroying the nib before emptying the ink shouldn't be a problem anymore. I myself find them very durable, rather stylish and having good grip, and in comparison to normal fine liners more ecological. Do you use those too?
Great stuff!
Currently, I have a Uniball micro de luxe waterproof and a (hang on til I get a hand lens to read its worn-out name!)...Nikko finepoint. Both waterproof, which is essential for me as I like to slosh watercolour. And I sometimes sketch in "damp areas" like bars and cafes!
I haven't visited your blog in years but Di sent me over! I see you're as consistent as the sunrise ... which is kind of comforting so I'm so glad I visited. As for the topic of your post, I have found that finding your medium and the best tools/brands for your style is absolutely crucial but can take time. I never draw in dark tones on light. My brain just isn't wired like most peoples'. Kind of like how you said that you end up drawing when you use paint. I have found that oil paint on coloured ground and coloured pencil on black paper are truly the mediums for me, but it took a lot of trial-and-error to get there. I'm just glad I can switch back and forth between the two.
Hi Andrea,
I too, love this post... you're letting us in on some of your secrets, very cool. I too have a couple of questions for you but I will save them for a later time.
For now, I just want to mention to you that, I was your champion yesterday, I had to do it. Someone had posted one of your drawings on their blog with no mention of you as the artist. Ironically it was one of the drawings you posted in this post... the converse sneakers over your calligraphy. As soon as I saw it I was outraged and I immediately reblogged it, with a firm scold to the poster, and a full accreditation to you as the artist {with your blog link attached}. I hope you don't mind, but I felt like I must stick up for you, while someone else was GRABBING KUDO'S FOR YOUR WORK...
You can see my reblog here along with the freak accident of a post I made myself the next day...
- at your drawing click on (via notebookz) to see where it all began,- at her photo click on it again and there is the source...
All the best to you Andrea, big fan of your work... Tim,(west coast of florida) zabc.tumblr.com
As always, these are amazing
Kate - Gtec Fineliner nibs (like most felt nibs) are reversible. Just grab a good strong set of pliers and pull the nib out, then turn it around and pop it back in.
Andrea - for your FAQS, how and when do you use reference objects/photos. When you rework a picture, do you use the original drawing as a reference or the original objects?
thanks for the great post. i'm always interested in what tools other people use and recommend. your artwork is amazing!
OK, here's a question:
Do you have plans to show your work in the States?
My art students do an assignment, "Drawing Like Andrea Joseph"...might be good to have the real deal in our gallery to look at someday?
I'd would be very interested in your work being a destination for your American tour.
Fascinating. Here are my questions:
* Most people start drawing with pencils, at least partially because of the ability to erase. When did you move to all ink? How do you avoid screwing up an entire drawing with a misplaced line or two?
* Can you draw anywhere or do you need a certain kind of ambiance?
* How long does it take you to complete a drawing of, say, typical Moleskine page dimensions?
Yes, Andrea, great effin' post. There are a few amazing drawings here I had never seen and they make me want to crawl in a corner and not attempt to even touch a pen again.
THIS is fabulous. Thanks SO much.
I recently got some strathmore vellum and like it for pencil, but I've never sketched in ball point! I'm not familiar with the other paper brands you mention (newbie) however, your zine is so luscious that I'm going to start the ball point action. I like the Pitt pens, but pilot has so many nice ones. I like moleskine and was looking fwd to having one of those for the Sketchbook project, but they sent over a different one, stapled, and smaller, but with 70 lb paper, instead of the Cahier of past years. hmmm...
Thanks for all this info!
Thank you all folks.
I will answer all the further questions in the next couple of weeks.
Thank you, Tim. It seems to be one of the downsides to having a online presence.One site once published a whole load of my drawings under the title 'drawings from unknown students notebooks'! I am very happy for people to share my work but all I ask for is a link back to my blog.
France, you are crazy. That's how EVERY one of your drawings makes me feel!
Cheers, everyone.
I love all the amazing intricate detail in your journal. Your works are unbelievable. They're awesome. I love all the lettering. The shoes are fabulous.
Andrea-- Seeing the Moleskine drawing again I have to ask if some day you'll offer a print of that one on your Etsy?
I'd be first one in line : )
I'm surprised about how practical and factual a lot of the questions were. I'd be inclined to ask more about your concepts and ideologies. You have a unique style and I wonder who's influenced you and what work you admire and why. What YOU like about your work. Or is this just part 1 and all that's to come ;)
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