This is actually a new drawing, although it might look a little familiar. The original
washing machine drawing that I made was a personal favourite and I wanted to rework a couple of my favourite pieces for my current exhibition (see last post). I'm never sure about doing that kind of thing. There is something in the spontaneity that's lost when you go about doing something again. This is a larger drawing too. I always felt this subject deserved bigger paper and wanted to give it more impact. The colours, although different from the original, look quite good, I think. But what the hell do I know?
I like the reworking mostly, especially the range of colours. But I think the movement of the water was better in the original
I think it looks great, Andrea- I love the colors, too!
ㅠit's beautiful... the colors really fit the machine!
But I agree with rhomany. I kinda like the original work as well.
You know enough! You know you liked doing the first because it was the first even if there were things you didn't like about it such as the size and you know you like this one even if it lacks the fun of a new subject. I like both of them. I am just continually amazed at what you can draw.
It works for me! Inspirational work...
This is even cooler than the original, actually!
no. the original definitely had that "something". You know what I am talking about. This one is just proficient and flat, not your usual work.
Thanks for your comments, folks.
Yes, I agree the movement of the water definietly works better in the original.
Wow, you are such a great artist, I really love your art!
I personally like it. The shade of blue you add to it makes it really unique. The picture reminds me of when my mom would put me on the washer as a young kid to help me fall asleep.
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