Seriously. Don't tell anyone. You really do have to keep your cake holes shut about me posting this. It's a stop gap post whilst I catch up with myself, and actually make a new drawing. So why the secrecy? Well, remember when I was away a little while ago? I was actually completing illustrations for a book. It's a little book that should be out in the autumn. This is one of the illustrations from it.
As I got toward the deadline I realised that I might just have left things a bit late (why change the habits of a lifetime?) and so I spent the last month just drawing. Quite literally. I sat in the chair for a month and drew drew drew. When I could be bothered I'd schlep my sorry ass into the kitchen for some tea or some food, but that's it. Pure drawing.
But, I ain't allowed to show you any of it. Or tell you about it. Yet. Not until the book has been printed. I can't wait for that time. I'm really pleased with some of the work I produced. And was absolutely astounded by what I could achieve when I got my arse into gear, rather than sitting round thinking about it.
Anyway, what it does mean is that when the book finally goes to print I'll have loads of new drawings to share with you. There should never ever be a time when I go for a week without posting.
Now go away. Keep your traps shut. And don't tell anyone you've seen this drawing. Or I really will have to kill you.
That's so cool! I bet the book looks amazing and I can't wait to see it!
pre-congrats on the book, Andrea. Can't wait to see it.
Don't worry! I admire you. I'm sure this book will be utterly gorgeous. I'm happy for you, Andrea!
Mum's the word....can't wait to see the book!
We'll keep it schtoomed! Can't wait for all the new drawings, that corkscrew is bloody amazing.
Thanks for not sharing any images from the new book. :) We never saw a thing pass between you and our computer screens...must be all the red wine. All I can remember is a cork falling off the table and rolling on the floor. Hum....:) You and your blog are so much fun!
And you are right---you should never go more than a week with out a post!
Wow. It looks real. I could smell the wine on the cork. Hmm - I feel a tipple coming on. Really looking forward to seeing the rest of the pictures.
Congrats! Sounds like a great project. Did you ever find yourself getting burned out with the concentrated periods of drawing? I guess deadlines have a way of creating focus... can't wait to see the book! -- Steve
Yippee! I can't wait to see! Okay, mouth is shut but I still can't contain my excitement! You know, I'll have to sit on my hands too! This is gonna be torture! Hurry up, my friend!!
what picture? i never saw any picture. ;)
i'm in line to purchase anything you create, so am looking forward to the book. congratulations!!
woohoo!! Congrats!! :) So awesome.
LOL Andrea you are so funny!
I am glad you got all your drawing done though love the little cork I wonder if it is a boozy book {:0)
Have a great weekend
PS my mouth is firmly zipped
You're a wicked little tease! My monitor is blank.
Me? - never saw a thing !!!
Really looking forward to your new publication (very exciting ) - how and when do we get out hands on it????
Oh Oh! OH OH! OH MY!!!!!
I canNOT wait to see this book!! Do be sure to let us know as SOON as it is printed! And post looks of pix!!
Congratulations! I can't wait to see it ... I mean. Nothing. First rule of Book Club is that we don't know about ... oh nevermind. ;)
I know nothing... really...haven't seen anything.. haven't a clue what you're talking about... you know how forgetful old people can be so when the time is right remind me about whatever it was again ok... LOL
Wonderful news my dear... just wonderful... what was it now?
I admire you. Hope you keep up showing us your work.
And pre-congrats for the book.
is that just pencil colors?
Thank you all, folks! I knew my secret was safe with you.
I'm not sure how interesting the book will be to you - as it is going to be published in Italian?! I'm hoping that they go for an English version too, though. Maybe if enough people request it.
It was fascinating to finally actually illustarte a book. A very interesting experience that I hope to do lots more of in the future. I'll talk more about it when I can!
Steve, no, by the time I got down to it I was so focused on getting it done I didn't think about much else. I really enjoyed that time. having nothing to do but draw. I do think that sometimes I work best when I'm under pressure. That's what I tell myself anyway.
Lino, the outline and some of the detail was put in with a sepia ink. The rest is colour pencil.
Cheers, my dears.
In Italian? That's ok for us then, just say where and when..can't wait! As for the peek, non ho visto niente.
The drawing is lively
Exciting! That drawing is spectacular - love the perspective!
This is very encouraging news. I only say this because one of the last times I visited your blog, you were soliciting suggestions on how an artist can market her talents. So, now I am wondering if this book was a result of having 'put yourself out there' in some way since that time(?).
How did these perceptive folks find you? When you can, please tell all about the business side of your endeavors!
Here's to many more illustrated volumes by AJ. I am now going to 'subscribe' so I can get the first word on the release.
whoa bro, you draw a hell of a cork. I'm telling my dog about this one, and you'll just have to accept the fact.
I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see it.
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