Just a quickie (well, it's all relative). Currently I'm working on a couple of time consuming drawings. So thought I'd put them on hold for the evening and do something quick. Something in colour. It's not great but it's something to post.
I thought it was a little quiet over here...Wow, this is lovely for a quickie! I know that feeling of needing to do something quick to counter the longer ones. Hope we get to see what you are up to!
Gosh! Something to post! This is some drawing, Andrea. I love the colors and the little guy in there. It's so you. And i did see Felicity's portrait of her brother -- and i felt humbled.
Wendy, it's not just the collecting stuff - keeping colour co-ordinated items in colour co-ordinated boxes points to OCD, I should think. Still, it's all material.
OMG, this is not something special?? this is outstanding!!!!!! I love the red color.
how can you say that, it's great and the color it's realy cool, I like it!
omigosh - i wishyou could see my face - smiling from ear to ear. this is such a little treasure - that wee elf!!!!! oh its won-der-ful!
Oh fun! Yup the little elf is making us all smile Andrea! Beautifully drawn and cleverly put together.
I thought it was a little quiet over here...Wow, this is lovely for a quickie! I know that feeling of needing to do something quick to counter the longer ones. Hope we get to see what you are up to!
not great?!?!? it's incredible. so muc detail and depth in something so small...wow
Thanks peeps.
This is growing on me...a little. It is actually a drawing of a little red box that contains only little red things. Yes, I have OCD.
Anyone who has not seen Felicity's new porrait (her brother Paul) really MUST get over there. It's amazing.
Cheers folks.
Really lovely, it looks like it's going to burst!
What I always love about your work is the composition. So casual, yet always 'right'.
Too cute. I love the little pixie.
I wish I could throw together something of that quality so casually!
Gosh! Something to post! This is some drawing, Andrea. I love the colors and the little guy in there. It's so you.
And i did see Felicity's portrait of her brother -- and i felt humbled.
A quickie!! wowwwww i love it!
What a gorgeous quicky ... and I'm not just biased because red is my favourite colour!
Delightful. OCD? I had to look it up. You mean collecting stuff? Well, it makes you do wonderful drawings.
Thank you all, folks.
Wendy, it's not just the collecting stuff - keeping colour co-ordinated items in colour co-ordinated boxes points to OCD, I should think. Still, it's all material.
You are SO wrong:
It's a GREAT little drawing, shame on you!
I love your style of drawing.
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