Phew! The pencils are out and I'm ready for action. I hope to be drawing, and posting, as much as is humanly possible from now. And, I hope to get around to visiting all of the drawing blogs too. Just have a little patience. (Yes, I've been listening to Take That. Don't tell anyone though, I'd never live with the shame)
Stunning drawing as always Andrea - but the concept is even more amazing (if that's possible). Wow wow WOW!!! (and welcome back!)
that's cool Andrea — reminds me of my son's lincoln logs. Glad to see you're back.
Welcome back and what a way to start with this great pencil drawing, really love it.
Just got my first moleskine, getting used to the size.
Great drawing and a great idea! Do you work with ink line or is thee some wash too?
Oh dear. I wish you hadn't owned up to the Take That...
Lovely pencils! Especially that shiny Staedtler.
Lovely as always. Your work is always worth waiting for.
Your drawings always knock me out and brighten my day.
Thank you all guys.
Genxster, your comments brighten my day too.
Eric, no wash just pen.
Jason, I'm only listen to Take That in a kind of ironic way. It's not because I think that Gary can write a good song, or 'cos Mark is the cutest person ever, or 'cos Howard's sexy. NO, I'm just being ironic. He he he!
Cheers everyone, it's good to be back. I've missed you all.
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments Andrea on my blog and facebook! I'm SO happy to have you back!
take that. dear me. i have a good friend in the uk who is perhaps the biggest take that fan in the world. she also adores the spice girls. and not in an ironic way at all.
Woooo-hoo! You could listen to ANYTHING, with a drawing like this, you're entirely forgiven :-)
WELCOME BACK, Andrea, and let the wonder begin again! I'm looking forward to what you've got in store for us.
This is another great drawing. I would have drawn them scattered -- but your lattice is brilliant.
You make everything look so interesting. I am a huge fan of your work!
'cos Howard's sexy? You can't mean OUR Howard who lost the election in Oz!
You are so , so, so patient. 'Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry' is a song I sing but do not take notice off as I leap into a drawing like a bull at a gate.
LOL...Good to have you back!
Thank you all, I'm touched.
Pete, I draw the line at the Spice Girls. Now that's just wrong.
Cheers folks.
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