In my quest to draw everything in my house I stopped by the spice rack. I'm quite happy with this. It reminds me of the illustrations you'd find in recipe books from the 70's. Books that were usually called something
like 'The Whole Food Kitchen'. The kind of book that gave you interesting ideas for things to do with lentils and chick peas. The type of book where you can still smell the patchouli wafting through the pages. I dream of illustrating one of those books. One day. One day....
Wow, great. You're right to be proud of this. And I'm in awe for your patience and sense of detail.
What a fun piece!!!
This is fantastic!!!! And I totally get the sense of one of those cookbooks as well!
As always, you have such a wonderful sense of composition with the arrangement of these shapes, and so much character to the linework. Just superb.
And thank you for letting me know about Diane Beck's blog, very nice and very flattering!
Everything in the house! My goodness that's a very ambitious project - such a wonderful undertaking and so nicely done.
Fantastic! you must be very patient to do such a work!
Very nicely done!The composition is once again just perfect and I love the fun lines of all the bottles.
A beautiful piece of work again!
I really admire your style...I'm a huge fan of your site and check it feverishly most days! Really nice piece...
this is fantastic!!!
Cool, man! How long does it take you to produce these drawings? There's so much work involved in all that detail, and the end result is stunning. Di X
I LOVE this! It would make for a fabulous kitchen wallpaper border. What a wonderful variety of jar shapes/sizes and your composition of them is fantastic!!
I love all of your Moleskine/sepia sketches! I too really love them and don't understand why. I just wish that the new watercolor Moleskine was an exact replica of the sketchbook - just with different paper. Why doesn't the company get all of our messages - people are buying new Moleskins in the vertical format and cutting out/replacing the parer with watercolor paper!
I am always amazed at the collections you draw--this is fantastic!!
What type of moleskine do you use? A5/A6? Never used moleskines before but thinking of buying one...can anyone recommend...?
This is a wonderful page really full of aromas and flavours.
oh yea, I love this one!! and a noble quest indeed, to draw everything in one's house!!
This is great! Great to see you featured on Moleskinerie, too!
Wow thanks everyone!
I've had about 5 times my normal amount of visitors to my blog today. I had no idea why - so thank you Linda for pointing out that I've been featured on Moleskinerie! How cool!
Mine is an A5 Moleskine sketchbook - and yes I'm hooked.
Thanks everyone for the comments, I am very touched.
What a wonderful, true eye for accurate detail. I'm delighted to have stumbled upon your talent, and look forward to viewing more of it! Thank you.
You and France Bellville (Wagonized) are my favorite illustrators.
I am absolutely in love with your work and style. I'll be visiting often from now on!
Hi Andrea,
Another memorable piece of art, another great blogpost by you.
You would enjoy the sight of old-style pharmacists' bottles in varying shades of brown - collectors' items in our ultra-modern chemist here.
If you want me to photograph them and send them to you, to sketch, just let me know by dropping me a comment at http://david-mcmahon.blogspot.com/
You do know, don't you, that your blog has been climbing the rankings of the Top 50 in Aussiejourno's Weekly Blog Awards?
And I look forward to the day that my blog is listed among your favourites!
Seriously, Andrea, your work is great to see.
Good luck and keep smiling.
I love it! And all your work.
I love this - great work and great selection of spices! And I know the type of cookbooks you mean - I have a couple of them in my kitchen!
It was great to see you featured on Moleskinerie.
Wow thanks everyone! I have been overwhelmed by the recent activity on this blog - which I now realise is down to appearing on Moleskinerie (which was a complete surprise). Thanks to all the new visitors and of course all my 'old' friends!! I hope I can continue to create work that you (and I) will enjoy. Thanks.
Ces - thanks for the wonderful compliment. I am a huge France Belleville fan too.
Cheers everyone.
You have to be one of the most patient people I have run across... look at what you've produced. Wonderful... as usual.
Besides your talent, I'm amazed by your patience. Everything? I guess we'll just have to keep on coming back everday.
I've just discovered your work and I'm absolutly fascinated!
Beautiful things...
Do you have a flickr?
Thank you guys.
Agatha this is the link to my Flickr account;
I had the same thought -- 70s cookbook -- when I saw this. I had a lot of those back in the day. It's also funny to see "Schwartz" spices. Here they have that same S on them but they say "Schilling" instead. Are you really trying to draw everything in your house? Amazing! I like the composition on this one--it could be a poster.
I don't know how I missed this, it's super! Are you not on the EDM Superblog? Are you really trying to draw everything in the house - what fun! Can't wait for more!
Thank you both.
It was not a concious decision to draw everything in the house but that seems to be what's happening. I should get out more!
Felicity, I have tried to join the EDM superblog on a couple of occasions but never been successful. Perhaps I should give it another go. Thanks for reminding me.
I wouldn't know what to do with half those spices! I must be a seriously boring cook... : )
Hi, this is a really great picture. I'm making a small cookbook for a friends birthday and including this image. I'll make sure to credit you as well. again, lovely drawing.
So I'm wondering if what you hinted about was that you might be illustrating a book? I think that would be fabulous! What are your dreams coming true?
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