Hello, it's me and I'm blogging and I'm still doing daily inky things for #inktober. Yesterday I did inky things up a mountain. Or a Peak. On Kinder Scout to be precise.
Landscape probably wouldn't be my subject matter of choice, but I'd never rule any subject out. These days I love to tackle something I wouldn't normally tackle.
But I don't really know how to approach landscapes, that's the problem. Or the challenge.
So, I approached these rocks and this landscapes in the way I know how, by seeing them as a 1950s textile design. Did it work? I dunno.
To be honest, I don't care. I had fun trying. And that's what #inktober is about for me. That's what drawing is about.
If you had fun or learned something, it's a win.
These are great!!! Keep it up!!!
Absolutely a...maz...ing!!!! Love the mark making, love the style.....your drawings have got me all excited...fabulous!!! Really really!!! And I'm not just saying that 😊😊😊
Thanks, guys. Always playing around. Always looking for a new medium to fall in love with. I think ink is 'the one'.
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