So, I'll be honest, this is basically a test post. For a long time my blog has just been chugging along. There was a time, way back when, when I would blog, religiously, a few times a week. Then social media happened.
Like many people, I suppose, I started 'blogging' there. It seemed easier. I'm not really interested in sharing the ins and outs of my life online, or social media, but sharing my artwork through those platforms seemed to make sense. Blogging suddenly seemed like much more of an effort. I mean you had to switch in the laptop and all that palaver.
I blamed blogging, and blogs, for that - for being behind the times. Not catching up with social media. But it was me that was behind the times and not keeping up with the technology. It hadn't even dawned in me to download the Blogger app. But now I have.
I took these photos on Friday. My friend and I, Kate of Emily Pickle design (haven't worked out if it's possible to add a link when blogging on your phone. Anyone?) took her 'pencil case' out to the pub to draw. Her pencil case/make up bag is filled with all sorts of goodies I'd never have dreamtof using to draw with. The drawing above is made with glitter mascara, liquid eyeliner and Christmas wrapping tapes amongst other things. I loved experimenting with all this stuff. I'll never look at an old eyeliner in the same way again.
Right, I'm going to put the laptop on to see how this worked out....
Hi Andrea,
I can definitely understand where you're coming from. In the past, I too have felt sluggish in terms of blogging and have turned more to social media. More recently, I've felt like they all go together and help each other out - it's all intertwined. I guess you have to decide where your priority is going to be.I have a self hosted WordPress website that includes my blog. When I make a post I can automatically share it to Facebook and twitter. I like WordPress quite a bit - a self hosted website offers a lot of free add-ons that come in handy. I'm not too familiar with blogger but I'm sure they have options. I hope this helps. Please stop by my blog and see what i've been up to: salvadorcastio.com/blog.
I used the Blogger app several years ago and was not all that impressed with it....it made my pictures really small...only tried it once or twice, but like I said, it was several years ago. Here is a link to the post I did from the app http://skiptomyewe.blogspot.com/2011/02/catching-up.html
By the way, I'm new to sketching and I love visiting your blog. Sorry I rarely comment.....I think most of us check in on blogs and don't comment nearly as much as we did when blogging was new. I think that also makes us less likely to blog....we think people aren't stopping by, however, when you post on social media, it seems easier just to hit LIKE on someone's post.
The tape is washi tape. I've never drawn with mascara either. Does it dry fast on paper?
Thanks, guys.
Salvador, as I said on Facebook (see!)I do use Wordpress for my Dr Sketchy blog. It's so frustrating as it takes me an hour to make a simple post. That is only because, after nearly a decade, I am so used to Blogger. the thought of switching blogs and learning that whole new language makes me want to cry! Will visit your blog...
Tammy,the app actually did the opposite; it made my images HUGE. I had to edit the whole post on my laptop. which kind of defeats the object.
It's so true, it's so much easier to 'Like'. Plus, if people are blogging with a different host then there's all the signing in, etc. Social media has totally changed the whole game. You just have to keep up with it if you want to get your work seen, I guess. Thanks for the lovely words. I'll visit your blog too...
Limner, there were all sorts of tapes in the bag. So many things I'd never considered using. I will experiment more because it was fun. The mascara did dry quite quickly. And, I expected everything to smudge which it didn't. Not so much, anyway.
Thanks for visiting and commenting. I appreciate it.
I had NO idea! Yes, I thought the same way about blogging... putting on the laptop and so on. Thanks for showing me the much quicker way :)
Hi Andrea...please don't stop blogging. I enjoy every one of your posts as they come to me via my Feedly app. I should leave comments In know. I don't like Facebook and only use it if I absolutely have to, I don't do Twitter at all. Call me old fashioned but I do enjoy a good blog. But "old fashioned" is all relative isn't it? My Mum doesn't understand what a blog is..she thinks it is all space age futuristic stuff and is completely in awe of it! So by that standard it makes me quite modern and "with it" doesn't it? :)
Ps... Love the use of washi tape here ..I'm quite partial to washi tape myself for art journalling but have never thought to use it in my sketches.
I just set up a blog because eventually it would be easier to see my work in one place. In my case it is just a personal project but doing this helps me to keep up with technology and learn how to draw. I love your posts and I don't think that posting everyday on a blog is a good idea because it would be too much. I hope that you are working on another book.
I just set up a blog because eventually it would be easier to see my work in one place. In my case it is just a personal project but doing this helps me to keep up with technology and learn how to draw. I love your posts and I don't think that posting everyday on a blog is a good idea because it would be too much. I hope that you are working on another book.
Well, I just found your blog and I'd much rather visit blogs than FB for my art fix, so I hope you'll keep it up here. I haven't been good about keeping up my own blog lately, either. Must get back to it. It feels more "mine" than FB ever could.
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