I don't really like to clog up my blog with the same stuff, I like to give you visitors some variety. However, I'm working on a number of labour intensive drawings at the moment, these included. They are almost there. My next post will be the completed versions. So, if you've purchased advertising space, but do not see your ad yet, hang fire. They'll be along shortly.

People seem to like these step by step processes, though. In the past I've made a few such posts. To see my other step by steppers take a look
HERE. I always think that this set is best viewed on slideshow.

I've said before, coincidentally in my last ballpoint zine, that one of the many things I love about the creative process is the way it surprises you. Sometimes, I feel, I have no idea where an idea comes from, but if you just trust yourself, and your pen, then it seems to unfold in front of your very eyes. I'm loving how these pieces have this bird theme. I have no idea why or how, but I'm loving it.
One last thing, have YOU seen the bird girl? I need to know.
Gorgeous as always. This is a sick idea. Keep up the good work!
"I don't really like to clog up my blog with the same stuff"
When it is of this quality, please don't hesitate!
please forgive, I just started following your blog and flickr. You are selling ad space correct? Your illustrations are lovely!
i've been following along for the last couple of weeks. really enjoying seeing the progress of your latest series. it's wonderful!!
I Really enjoyed your blog. I can always find something interesting here :)
Just to let you know - your first zine now has a "proper" home at my place.
Oh no! I would totally have bought a bizcard ad, wish I'd seen this sooner! They are looking great!
Thank you, guys.
Dinah, I love it. I would LOVE rummage through the cabinet as there are some very interesting books, specifially the little bird one (Genine?).
We Three 3 and Carole, there is a possibility there will be a little spcae left. Firstly, I have to draw in all the already purchased ad space, then if there is anything left over I'll put it on Etsy. Keep posted.
Cheers, folks.
I will keep checking! That would be amazing!
The adds are brilliant! I love seeing your progress shots. Please don't hesitate. :)
No, I haven't seen the bird girl? Who is the birdgirl? Anyway, Andrea..fab work, well done. I too love to see the process, and the walk through. I wish I could remember to shoot mine sometime.
You really have a good blog. I can always find something interesting here!
very cool post! thanks for sahring!
Brilliant idea! Gorgeous illustration--as always.
Nice pics!! I realy liked your drwaings
Nice pics!! I realy liked your drwaings
You're a very talented artist, that's for sure. Keep up the great work?
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