It's really rubbish when your holiday ends, isn't it?
Here are some of the sketchbook spreads that I made on my recent stay cation. I'm enjoying drawing, in this way, so much at the moment. I was never really interested in journalling before, but I am now hooked. It has surprised me.

I was also surprised by how willing my visitors have been about adding their little drawings to my book. I though they'd put up a fight when I asked them to contribute. But no.

Oh, I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.
Oh, I do love Lyme Park!
The drawings are fantastic, wish my sketchbook looked like that rather than the unmitigated disaster that it actually is.
I continue to love your work - I'm glad I have a couple pieces of it. Keep up the great sketching.
Your pages area wonderful. I'm glad you have the work of some of your friends in it. More memories that way!
very col post! i liked it!
Hi andrea... i always follow your blog but hardly ever leave comments...but I hope you know I am always looking over your shoulder and loving it all!
But got to say that I love these journal type pages! Sensational! And I too love having others contributions to my pages.
My son looked at it and immediately said, "Oh, that's Obi Wan Kenobi from the Clone wars."
So there you go.
I have to say it again! I love your sketchbooks! I can sit and study them for hours. I hope one day that you might consider doing a youtube video where we can watch you draw!!Thank you so much for all the inspiration you give us ;)
Fantastic! I love the way you sketch and draw. Really wonderful, I'm actually quite envious ;-)
Not been to Lyme park since I was little, as you can imagine, that was a long time ago...xxx
Drawings are great!
very interesting post! thanks alot!
Lovely. The sketch/journal/guest-sketch is terrific. I thought the difficult table looked fine, especially since I was looking at it upside-down.
Have you ever run across a nice little drawing book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain? It's available free on the web, excellent exercises. Your 'draw it upside-down' technique is one of the exercises in the book. You might find the book interesting, although I think you're far too good an artist to really need it.
My only criticism is that you don't post 10 drawings daily. Please consider forgoing having a life in order to post more frequently.
Wow very nice and handsome sketches, but im curious, do you sketch on paper first then scan? or do u sketch directly on PC?
Thank you, all, guys.
Beth, I know of the book and have completed a couple of excercises. I might just search it out again.
Mariam, it's all done the traditional way with pen and paper.
Cheers, folks. I appreciate each an every comment.
Andrea, I love the sketch of Lego Anakin - you captured his "waah I'm about to cry at ANY SECOND because I'm such a whingeing BABY!!" Cheers to you, yet again ;).
And I agree with AngelEyes - I love seeing what you share with us, but I'd love to watch it happen!
love it!
Very interesting post! Thanks.
Hi Andrea! Your art is beautiful :)
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