1970s films - I love a good old 70s film. I don't care what they are about. I'll just watch them for the styling; the clothes, the homes, the decor, the design of the day. As long as they are drenched in corduroy, big flowery prints and bri-nylon I'm happy. I've actually sat through about three series of Man About the House (British 70s sitcom) just to get a better glimpse of the three prints they had on their kitchen wall (one was a green pepper). The other evening I watched a film from the 70s, in which the main character had her own advertising agency. In the background I caught a glimpse of some seed packets that the agency had designed. I immediately felt inspired.
Classic French typography - I love those classic French style fonts; from Bistro signs to wine bottles. I've been doing a bit of research for an invitation I am designing, for an upcoming dinner party, and I've gone down the French route. I ADORE the Metropolitan typography and have been practicing it.
Art Nouveau - I've also been researching (Googling) a lot of Art Nouveau stuff recently. Just for my own amusement. I love everything about it from the architecture, art and, again, the typography.
1960s and 70s recipe books - I've written about my love of these books before. It's the first thing I look for in a charity shop. In fact, I go in charity shops to look for them specifically. I have a rather lovely collection. They are always bought for the drawings although sometimes I'll dig them out for a mung bean and brown rice salad recipe.
Sweetcorn - one of my all time favourite veg. I bought this corn on the cob the other day. As I was choosing it I was thinking about how pretty it was.
So, there's the story of a drawing. And, the story of my life over the last few days.
I could eat that right now...even though it is made of ink and paper :)
I love the story behind the inspiration and your drawing is awesome especially your font. :)
Beautiful design, because it has a "designy style" this sweet corn...
Lovely to hear about how it pops out from your soul and environment. It makes sense and I feel less alone with my interest in details around me and my need of feeling whole with my drawing and creative need. At least some other human beings out there function the same way. he he
Just want to take a bite out of it! Actually, I do...I sample it with my eyes daily, warming my soul in the world of Andrea. Your work is dreamy and I wish I could write the words and have you expound them with your wonderful images...one day, maybe? Thanks for sharing your work and mentoring folks like me.
wow I love this!
thanks for the insight in how you arrive at some of your ideas, that was very interesting. i don't cook, but i collect cookbooks. not every cookbook, mind you, just the ones that remind me of where i used to live, or a time/place long past. love to page thru them and inhale the pictures and doodles. i've been collecting images from 1930's forward for a family recipe memoir that i'm planning on completing one of these years, and i've got quite a collection of fascinating images. i'll be terribly interested to see what more you do with that particular interest of yours.
Lovely rendering -- and I love the veg theme. Synchronicity: Your mention of French seed packets reminded me that I have ordered some French seed packets from a site called www.simplyfrenchvintage.com . I couldn't decide which to order so I ordered all 144. Now what am I going to do with all those?
I really like this - wish all my seed packets were designed by you!
Look up Anfons Mucha if you're into Art Nouveau. I think you will be very pleased.
Hi Andrea, I think this is my favorite of all your drawings (for right now anyway), and it is not just because it also is my most favorie vegetable to eat... I love how you drew the rows of kernels, all a little off kilter as they always are on these colorful cobs. and you did it all in black and white...I also love the tassels' spiral treatment and the typestyle you invented...Thanks, Tim M.
Ever since I stumbled onto your awesome blog, I have had a major major respect for your art. You could say I was admiring from afar, not entirely sure of whether I should comment or not.
Well. I have to break my silence sooner or... now.
I really really like your blog! It inspires me to explore art deeper and try to do different styles of drawing!! :)
Thanks for being an inspiration to me, and to others too, no doubt.
Have a great day! :)
Art nouveau sweetcorn, beautiful and inspiring idea and drawing. I love art nouveau, too (but don't do anything with it now)
I dont think i've seen many films from the 70s if im honest. Does James Bond count? My favourite cook book is my mums 1000 recipes book which is bright yellow, red and brown which apparently every school girl was given (so 60s and 70s for her) and its amazing. Every basic cooking and baking recipe you need plus some strange ones for pig heads and offal which used to horrify and fascinate me as a child in equal measure.
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Hello Andrea - I'm glad I'm not the only person who buys old cookery books just for the illustrations. The early Girl Guide Handbooks are also great!
Beautiful drawing! I love the not-so-perfect rows of corn-things. Very fun font too. I will agree with you about the 70s movies: still had the grit of the 60s but with a tad more polish and tons of attitude and style.
U gt really perfects tastes A..the best typofoundry ( whith emigre.com)is a french one: http://www.typofonderie.com/
Guimard's font are great, but i think the first class would be to use a ghost font like Ladislas mandel' Sphynx...
there's also splendid Art Nouveau façade in Brussels and the naked thruth is a great film for the quaint style furnitures
Your stylized corn looks wonderful..It was interesting to find out the source too..I'll be waiting to see the French invitation card (I hope you intend to post that..)
You (and many of your friends here, I'm sure) would love the movie "Helvetica" if you haven't already seen it. It's all about the designers of fonts, back in the day.
I love the tassel of silk on top as well!! Simply LOVELY!
Mona in Vermont
I just lurve your work a whole lot! This is sweet indeed! By the way, my very first AJ molezine arrived in the mail while I was away on vacation. It was such a treat to find it waiting for me when I got home! Thank you, Andrea. Your drawings are just a joy to look at! From an inspired fan in Toronto ^_^
P.S. I also appreciate how you've shared about your week through the stuff/design you've looked at yourself. xox.
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