As, it seems, I've taken to of pinching things from the wonderful
Suzanne Cabrera (you know; quotes, ideas, her signature, her identity) I have decided to continue in that vein and am using a theme she chose for the amazing but almost dead
MoleyX group we were involved in for my brand new Moleskine. Although Suzanne chose 'mail' as her theme I have expanded on that a little. My theme is more a mail/travel/air mail/letters/pen pal themey theme. Look, I know what I mean.
This Moleskine will have some kind of narrative running through it (I hope). Which starts with the story of a friendship. I am looking for some help with this project specifically from any Scandinavians out there.
If you are Scandinavian and would like to contribute please could you leave a comment and I'll get in touch with you. Cheers, my dears.
Sorry. Not Scandinavian and I'm off to travel for a week plus. The mail 'thingy' sounds cool though!
"Par Avion" was the title of an episode of Lost. I'm not sure what relevance that has to anything, but I figured I'd mention it.
I'm scandinavian, but im not sure how i could be helping you on this. Send me a mail en i'll try to do my best. /isabelle
I'm from Sweden, so I can help you, just send me a mail :D
I went shopping at Ikea.
I'm watered-down Danish and live on the far side of the world, but if that's useful, I'm yer man.
verification in nonsvag. It sounds Scandi!
I am an American so I am out!
You could steal from none better, In my opinion. I stalk your moly swap all the time...waiting....hoping...
@ quilt : im indonesian :)
I'm Mancunian, which is near Scandinavia... no sorry Stockport, Oh never mind:-(
As a Norwegian-American who has been been proudly explaining how to pronounce my last name for my entire life - Klokkevold - I look forward to hearing more about this fun and fabulous project. Skal to whomever the project goes to (please pardon my Norsk spelling).
Nope, not a bit Scandinavian, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
I'm Danish - would love to be a part of .... ?
Ooooh, thanks guys. I knew you could help. I'll email all of you Scandinavians in the next day or two.
The rest of you thanks but no thanks!Haha. Maybe next time when I'm looking for Mancunians, Cherookees......
Cheers folks. This is more than a great start.
Hi! I'm also willing to help if I only can. Living in Finland.
To those who have responded to my call for Scandinavians(!) thank you. I have now tried to email you but it has been quite deifficult to get the addresses. My email address is;
or alternatively you can find my email address on my Blogger profile.
Cheers, I appreciate it.
i'm not scandinavian, but have lived in scandinavia (specificially denmark) for more than a decade. i've been lurking and checking out your work on flickr for some time now (not at all stalking, of course). :-) i'd be interested if you haven't already found all you need. my email should be attached on this comment.
i should note that i do STILL live in denmark, i realized that my other comment made it sound like i don't.
Just want to let you know how much we LOVE the zines! You're the best!!!!!
Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.
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