The right hand page of the sketchbook, at the top of this post, hasn't actually grown into anything. Yet. But, it's all still there for future reference. And, that's another good thing about getting this stuff down in a sketchbook or notebook; I find it's the best place to turn when one might be going through a bit of a drawing funk. Cos if these ideas interested you enough to write them down in the first place, you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll still be inspiring at a later date. They are just all patiently waiting, below the ground, to blossom into a beautiful flower. Or a firm, young carrot.
You are simply... great.
Thank you for sharing your art :)
How interesting to find out a bit of how your incredible art develops. Thanks!
thanks for posting this ... it's really intriguing to see how you take an idea, or two or five, and develop them into such delightful pictures. the pic of the jewelry has been one of my favorites for a long time.
lovely stuff ;)
impressed by you doing the last work! Thank you!
I love that the watch says "Molex". Man, I wish I could draw like this :(
Beautiful, as always.
Here hare here.
OMG! I'm speechless!
I just love your work. It never ceases to amaze me! nancy
These are beautiful. It's neat seeing how you come up with ideas.
Thank you, folks.
It's quite nice to dig up some of these oldies now and again.
Adrian, here hare here??
AH, here hare here.
Cheers, chucks.
I love seeing how your work develops from the idea to a drawing to a more finished drawing, though I must say that just the idea page looks like a lot of work in itself! where do you find the time? Awesome drawings, as always!
I'm impressed with this drawing, Andrea.
Thanks for share with us :)
Wonderful. I've missed checking in!
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