That's pretty fitting, actually. It's pretty typical. I don't think I've ever got a birthday card out on time. Friends and family know to expect their cards a few days late. I now buy belated birthday cards before birthdays, because I know that I'll end up sending them late.
Anyways, what an eventful four years it has been. This is a little drawing from a, soon to be published, Jane Austen book that I recently illustrated. Which makes this little drawing pretty fitting too. It illustrates quite how far I have come since beginning this blog.
I can't wait to post more of the bigger, better drawings from the book - I'll be able to do that as soon as it's published.
Thank you for the last four years guys.
Happy belated birthday!!! I am always late with birthdays too.
Happy Birthday dear Andrea's Blog, Happy Birthday to you!!!! I'd sing but it would definitely break something.. I usually forget the cards.. so glad you are blogging, Diana
Jane Austen, holy moley, that's HUGE! Can't wait to see it. (Big congratulations on blog birthday too!)
umm...AWESOME. You are being published in a Jane Austen book?! How awesome is that!! Woo!!
oh and if or when you can, can you talk more about how illustrations for a published book happen? Do they send you specific sketches and you take them in your own style? Do they just say "envelope with invitation inside?" Do you get to pick color schemes? these are all things that are fascinating!
Happy birthday, AJ Blog from this blog, also (almost) four.
Here's to the next round!
Happy Birthday - I have only just discovered you here on your blog when you were a blog of note recently - and a very lovely blog it is too - a really enjoyable read!
I love your work, it is so inspiring and got me back on the road to drawing and blogging. Congratulations on your 4 years, I have only just started my blog
Always enjoy your blog. Hope you know how much you're appreciated.
- paula
Happy 4th birthday--and many more. And congratulations!
happy bday!
Happy B-day -- I love your sketches -- your use of line and the shadows at the edges is yummy :)
I love the drawing, happy birthday
Love it!
Belated Happy 4th Blogday - can't wait to see the book.
happy birthday!! and many more to come!!succes on your jane austen book! :D
Happy Belated Birthday! xxx
Thank you all, SO much.I'm, once again, feeling humbled by your lovely comments.
Dawn, the book is going to be published mid October so I think I'll be able to show the rest of the drawings then. I was asked to do the book after being spotted at the Bologna Book fair. The art director, of the publishers, kept me in mind until the right book came along. She thought the Jane Austen book was the one, before knowing that I was from the UK and that sealed the deal. I felt it was right from the start.
I had free reign on everything. They sent me the story and left the rest to me - which was partly the reason I decided to do the project. Colour, scenes, subjects were all left down to me.
The book is for an Italian publisher, so the first print is in Italian. Unfortunately. I am hoping there will be an English version. If there is it will be at a later date.
Thanks everybody for the kind wishes. You make my day.
cool stuff, happy birthday!
wow, Jane Austen!!! can't wait to see the illustrations!
looking forward to seeing the illustrations! what Austen book was it?
plus,birthday congrats blog!
Happy late b-day! :D
I just discovered your blog, and I will probably one of many, but I have to tell you... that im really jealous! Why can't it be me who painted those? Arrgghhh.. Just make sure that the book comes to swedish bookstores, and that you never stop drawing! :D
really jane austen book! i love ja and i love your drawing. happy birthday to your sketchblog
I feel in love with your blog! Is wonderful and especially your pictures. Good luck and happy birthday!
Congrats Andrea...you have come a long way baby!!! Glad I've been a long for the whole ride and look forward to the future!
congratulations on 4 years of amazing artwork! I'm sure you get asked this all the time, but would you mind listing some of the types of pens (brands & tip widths) that you use? I usually sketch in pencil, i've always been a bit too timid to try ballpoint, but seeing how beautiful they turn out, I would like to have a go at it. Thanks!
Happy Birthday!Congratulations for being a blog of note! Come visit me at my two blogs if you like. A Camp Host Housewife's Meandering: An RV Adventure and Levonne's Pretty Pics.
Your sketches are such an inspiration, although I only stumbled upon your blog this month. I will have to thoroughly peruse the archive posts. Thanks so much for drawing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
AshleyRae, it's the qusetion I get asked the most. The truth is I don't use any specific pens - I'll use anything. But, do keep returning because there is going to be a couple of posts, in the near future (I hope), about this very subject. I am also going to be doing a pen review. AND, if I ever get around to it, I'll be doing a FAQ page. One day. Maybe.
Cheers, my dears.
Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors and I'm sure you will illustrate her work beautifully. How typical that it is an Italian who knows that!!!! I hope an English version with your drawings is published.
Happy belated Birthday! To another 4 years and beyond!
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