I enjoyed this drawing, loved the subject, colours and the textures and I like to think it shows.
In contrast, the sea anemones, below, turned out to be quite the opposite. Although, the subject is very beautiful I couldn't get a handle on it. It really should have been lovely - gorgeous shapes, amazing textures, patterns and colours - but I just couldn't make it work. I end up getting so frustrated when I cannot achieve on paper what I see in my head. I didn't enjoy this one, at all.
And, I think that shows too.

oh my gosh! I am jumping up and down in glee at how often you are posting!! I love the Garni, even though I have NO idea what it is. I must go look it up :)
Lovely...as always.
It looked as though you had a lot of fun with your drawings. Absolutely beautiful! Lovely layout!
I love the Garni. Gorgeous drawing, great layout. Hard to believe its pen...it almost has a coloured pencil appearance to it.
I think the anenomes are beautifully drawn, but I think they lose something in the layout. Perhaps they might shine a bit more if there were fewer on the page...perhaps they compete too much with each other just now?
Just my little opinion. As always, your work it brilliant and I have no room to talk...:\
I have read your article and not as it says you can not get out what goes on your head on your own writing paper how great our luggage and the beautiful graphics and qualify you to not fight and the seas and travel
Ah, that makes me feel better, that you can't be perfect all the time! Love the bouquet garni, shame about the anemones but sometimes that's the way it goes. Perhaps drawing so many was what gave you the difficulty although I can totally see why you chose the composition.
Maybe it was just a moment without the "go" for it.
Les bouquets garnis are beautiful!!!
They look like sea urchin shells, not anemones...
I love your drawings!
The bouquet garnis are thoughtfully drawn indeed - I always like the prosaic objects in life made beautiful when seen through another's eyes. You have been a bit hard on yourself with the sea urchin shells but as you say, your heart was not in it, so there I guess there is not so much detailed lined-work. - Wait a minute, that last line but one is pretty nice
I love seeing your posts, thank you for sharing them.
Thanks, folks.
I probably am wrong about them being sea anemones - I'm no marine biologist that's for sure! I'm not wrong about the drawing, though. I still dislike it. A lot.
It's really good to hear your thoughts. Thanks. I just thought I'd go ahead and post something that is not at all good. Even though it makes me cringe. Apparently, that'll help me grow.
Cheers, my dears.
Dawn, they are little bundles of herbs to put use in stews and casseroles and stuff. In this country they come in, what can only be described as, teabags. I, of course have never used them in cooking. I just like to look at them.
My boat is well and truly afloat, love the bouquet garni drawings. Great textures and colours, I can see why you were drawn to them...
I love it that you'll post sketches you aren't personally in love with; it's difficult for any artist to do that, turn off the "self editor", that sort of thing. Furthermore, when I first looked at the page, it was the urchin/anemone/sea creatures that drew me in -- funny how that works. Made me want to go tidepooling.
Great Andrea! That's the real sense of an artist: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... ;-)
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