A while back I shared some of my still life drawing secrets, and here's another. Sometimes I use the ironing board to set up my still life. Like in the one above. Why? Well, you can get completely different perspectives, and some unusual angles, of your subject matter. All at eye level. And, what's more, you can adjust the height. Which is great if you draw from a big sunken arm chair like me.
Ooo first comment!
Thanks for that tip. What a brilliant idea. Cool dice too! I feel as though it's a special treat when you show us a photograph of something you've drawn :)
Thanks Andrea, great idea. I would much rather use my ironing board that way than actually iron. Jen
I love that idea! Thanks for sharing. I really like your drawing style.
Cool dices! Awesome drawings as usual :)
" if you draw from a big sunken arm chair like me". Aha! I think this is the biggest secret of them all.
What a great idea, Andrea. Nice perspective on the dice.
Thanks, everybody.
More drawings this week. I promise.
I just found out about this blog, pretty cool... What do you use to draw with? It looks almost like some of these are made with ballpoint pen.
Thank you, folks.
Telmac, yes indeed. Most of my drawings are made with ballpoints. I love em. Not this one thought, the sepia drawings are made with a fineliner.
que lindo lbogs (PERU) ....DaVid
never thought of something like that - thanks.
good sketch too :D
Se ven bonitos los dados :D
chida la imagen
nice pic
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