These are a couple of pages from my travel Moleskine. This drawing has become a dumping ground for all sorts of odds and sods; stickers, stamps, tickets, labels. I'm not sure that I've finished with it. It lacks something. Something that I can't put my finger on. Yet. Some of the pieces on the pin board are movable, they lift up or across. I was trying to create a pop up, of sorts, but it seems I can't get my head around the kind of paper engineering that that would call for.
So the question is can you spot the difference? There's one small fluffy difference between these two uploads. Can you chuffing well spot it?

Found it! And removed my comment so that others could have fun spotting the difference. Like the second version better.
Oh and LOVE the baby elephant stamp! He's so cute!!! :-D
spotted it as well, but like Pooja, i won't spoil for others... then again wouldn't they already know if they are at the comments section to say hey, i found it! oh well, i'm rambling... love it!
Found it too! :)
I found it! Do I win a prize for being the 4th one???? winna jill
oh my this is amazing Andrea..love the little change too!! amazing work.
It's just remarkable - small change and all! nancy
Like the change--you showed the little fluffy and also added the bigger bird stamp. Don't miss mail, I guess. ;) I love your work!!!
yes the bird the union jack and the air mail label.
cute little yellow one!!! ^^ what a beautiful compilation of traveling experience
Oh, some familiar things! Nice! ;-)
Yep, found it. Your collages are just great, and every time I see them I always regret having thrown away all those little cards, cupons, travel documents and everything - I just always saw it as junk, but you keep showing us it's ART! Lovely!
Thank you, lovelies.
I think it's obvious. But did you spot the chick?
Tine, yes! Lots of the lovely bits and pieces you sent to me. Thanks.
Cheers all.
I love these spreads you do with all the ephemera and memorabilia. Just lovely.... I might try and have a go at one for myself someday, but I doubt I'd be able to carry it off!! Ooh, & found the difference, hurrah!!
Your work is SO fascinating; I keep coming back time & again to look at this post. Simply enchanting!
found it! took a lot of concentration. I'm not saying what it is though!
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