Last night I finally sat down with one of my many new Moleskine products. This is my new 'all things' diary; a diary, an idea book, a reference book. Even some sketches. And, these are the pens that I've selected to use in it.
I had intended a week full of posts about new projects and drawings. I don't know if that's going to happen now. But, maybe tomorrow I'll feel different.
I hope you don't turn away.
i won't turn away :-), but look forward to all the beautiful drawings you'll make, i'm sure.
Fabaroony pic. I won't be turning anywhere.
I feel the same way! I didn't get a chance to plan what I want to get accomplished in 2010 yet and the days have already starting flying by me so quickly.
Please kick that self-doubt monster in the butt for me. And tell him to leave me alone too.
Self-sabotage...I do believe it is the root of all evil.
same here, same here. my blank journal is awaiting the first mark, but i do other things like organize all my pens, do all the "get ready" stuff there is to do, except for the big one: sit down and do it, LOL
i won't turn away, either, never fear :)
I won't turn away. I'm having the same problem you are. Just hang in there - we're all gonna be okay.
This makes me smile, Andrea. I have FOUR, yes FOUR Moleskines of different types I'd like to do something productive in this year. I sure hope I am able to complete even just ONE of them! Best of luck to you-you can do it!
Is it possible that maybe you need a vacation from drawing? It's useful, sometimes, to try something else, learn about other people's work, and just recharge one's batteries. Any interesting courses or inspiring teachers in your area?
Gee... you must be reading my mind with "I've been looking forward to the new year for a long time. I love that feeling of starting afresh. Starting a new chapter. However, now it comes to it, I just can't get started. I can't be bothered. I sabotage myself all the time. And, I feel so nervous about drawing. I feel like I don't know what to draw or how to draw it."
It totally sounds like what I'm feeling -- I haven't sketched since the beginning of December. I sure miss it .... yet I haven't touched pen/pencil/brush to paper yet. Hopefully tomorrow!!
We all get this feelings from time to time. Main thing is to enjoy the process. Looking forward to a wonderful year in your company. I like your pens.
I like your blog very much, you know, so now I have a link at my blog list
Kathrin (bremen Germany)
It's the self-expectation that does it, but those things pass. You are too good to lose viewers or your touch ;) Have a great 2010
It does sometimes seem rather daunting, and I think that's part of the game. I have all of these ideas floating lose, and really don't know which one will finally 'win out'. You're very good at what you do, you know. Look around the web at the sites that attract you and see what others are doing - longer days are right around the corner.
I agree with you when you say that you don't know how to start, or why does it even seem like you don't know what you're doing?
I wish I had the extra time to let go and start drawing full time again.
That's great that you got started.
Andrea, I've popped in to check on your work for a few months now and always come away feeling inspired.
This post could have been written by me, though! I feel the EXACT same way, and it is funny, because I feel that so many artists do too! Why is it that this thing we have a passion for is also the source of so much pain?
I have a friend who asks, "Have you drawn anything lately?" every time I talk with her. I haven't really drawn in months and it is such a horrid feeling. I too don't feel like I have anything to draw, but I know it just isn't true.
I'm rambling now, but just know that your drawings are important to me. Even more so maybe, is the realization that you too feel as I do sometimes.
We're not going anywhere. We all go through it, so take your time and try not to worry about it all. Even when you're feeling down, you produce amazing things!
I feel so good to hear that you go through this type of thing--I always do, but you have so much talent. Why does that happen? Your work is always gorgeous, Andrea. Love this! Happy New Year and trust me, I won't turn away.
So awesome Andrea - I love it!
Andrea - I like your times of self doubt, you always come back with some fantastic art. You have lots of amazing stuff in your head, you just haven't thought of it yet. It will come through and it will be good. x
I will never turn away from you Andrea Joseph. Your drawings mean to much to me. I do not see your new 4 color pen in the selection. What new moleskine products did you receive? I got two White Pages.
I putting a Mickey Finn in it.
Now, I really do need to see a two page drawing from you using the new 4 color pen.
You could do a Four seasons to show the coming year and the fruits about to blossom for us.
You could do yarn drawings. Or the New Pen itself. Really need to see that pen.
Saw your comment on The Pen Addict!!!
Well oh my goodness! You are fabuloulsy talented. I'm not going anywhere! Chin up, missy. Things will turn around. :)
see this http://www.nitish1987.blogspot.com/
I coulnd't leave if I tried. You see, just the thought of not following your blog causes my spelling to go bad!
I like this. And I like the background. AND I've always wanted to know which pens you use. But Sharpies aren't acid-free are they? Won't they go green over time? And don't you ever worry than you might yawn spray near a piece done in fineliner and then the ink will run?
Nothing more daunting than a blank page.
I totally identify with what you're feeling! I am going through the same; unfortunately I have a tight schedule in which to illustrate a children's book before heading for an extended stay in Texas.
So how DO we get motivated anyway?
I love that when I zoomed in I could read they type printed on the page which said "travel planner" and it seemed appropriate that you're the travel agent for that set of pens...sending them on journeys. I don't know if you intended the metaphor, but it was cute to me.
I'm looking forward to seeing you fill your new book! I know how you feel though. Sometimes I can't seem to get a line drawn unless I have a deadline. I just bought a new moleskine for a trip I'm taking and I hope to get lots of drawing done.
Thank you tahnk you thank you.
It's very frustrating. Hopefully this weekend will be the start! Doesn't it always seem like we are waiting for that magical starting date? When all things will happen.
I hope that you all find the motivation too. If not, blame the weather.
You are all so kind and I appreciate you returning, even though I haven't had a lot to show recently.
Cheers, my dears.
Must be something in the air. I drew and printed on 1 January. On 2 January I fell in to such a funk that barely got out of bed, and then only to sit on the sofa and tell myself it was all for not.
Thank goodness THAT's over! Back to work.
Looks like a nice start with those pen sketches.
January is a fallow time....so, it's just natural to make a slow start. Take heart. Or take a nap! ;-)
hola Andrea, enconte tu trabajo en la web y quede maravillado, es muy hermoso, yo soy de mexico, me llamo Jacobo Martinez y produzco playeras actualmente estoy trabajando con varios artistas del medio graffitero y me gustaria platicar contigo para poder plasmar tu arte en camisetas y venderlas...espero
te agrade la proposicion
e-mail: estoyahi@hotmail.com
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