There's one thing to be said for swine flu and not being able to leave the house; there's bugger all else to do but draw. Five days it's been now. Five days of having to stay in, and no end in sight yet. And, I'm running out of Nutella.
Still, despite the sore throat, the hacking cough and having no energy to even get out of the chair, I look at what I created here, in a couple of days, and feel quite excited by that prospect.
holy cow!
the detail! the gorgeousness!
Just wonderful!
Gorgeous! I love that is is just black with a splash of color.
the detail in this is amazing Andrea, the universe offers us gifts in unlikely situations, sad it was swine flu, but you may never have come up with this ordinarly?
Oh Andrea!!!! So sorry to hear you've been down for the count. But, my, what beauty you've made in the process. This one is magical.
Wow! I don't think I can do that when I am well! Great detail - love the touch of color. So sorry to hear you are sick - hope you are better soon.
at least something amazing came from your swine flu.
Oh, I hope you're up and around soon! This drawing is just amazing ... you have the patience of a saint!
Like person above said - I can't do this when I am well! Holy Cow!
Get better soon!
One link at a time?????? I'm in awe!
Poor you - hope you feel better soon. That certainly wasn't time wasted though - fantastic work!
Love the shadow and that little splash of colour!
Get well soon! Love your drawing especially with the little bird in colour!
Hope you feel better soon, but look at the beauty you have created...my,my...You are feverishly creative!
hope you'll get well soon !
take care... :-)
The drawing is completely astonishing!
Even though, I hope you get well soon. ;)
this is gorgeous, definitely. hope you feel better soon.
Amazing drawing! I do hope you are feeling better soon :-)
Sorry to hear you are on house arrest...my friend who had Swine Flu (we are calling it H1N1 here because the pork producers were offended) slept for 7 straight days, I think. You must have amazing reserves to be able to lift a pen let alone turn out something as wonderful as this. Hope you get to feel better soon.
Couldn't see the whitle at first, but finally found it! Excellent drawing!
Dang, I meant "whistle" in that post above.
This is drawing extraordinaire! You have such an amazing eye for detail...and a perfectionism that must require real patience. What is the medium you have used? Is it pencil or pen?
I found my way here via Debrina, who suggested that I should give your blog a look. I decided to follow.
I read far enough and looked far enough to get the feeling you struggle as an artist as most of us do. I can't offer much in the way of encouragement excepting to say that I know how it feels when you're making it but not selling it. The compliments and kudos don't put porridge in the pot so to speak.
I had a MAJOR sale about two weeks ago. Actually, it was the first piece I've sold since trudging off in my current direction the end of January. I can't quit now, and neither can you. Once you've been hooked by the creative bug it's a full-time life-long pursuit. You're good. It makes no difference if you're down to only one 2B pencil, keep at it.
Sorry to hear you are laid up! Great to see the art you produced, it's wonderfully detailed, love it!Get well soon - Chicken soup and Lucozade, works for me!
Oh poor you! Rest up; this H1N1 is supposed to be hardest on youngsters like you.
OMG, that's stunning, andrea! I hope you feel much better very soon, but I love what you created while you weren't feeling well. You're amazing.
Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes and kind words about this drawing. I'm feeling much better now.
It's funny but I've created some of my own personal favourite pieces, when I've been ill (sme socks come to mind). And, I'm quite proud of this one too.
Carol, I guess that's true. Maybe being ill (and under house arrest!)is the answer to finding the time to draw. Which has been difficult to find recently.
Momma Ninja, I've done my fair share of sleeping, especially the first couple of days. But then sleeping became difficult because of the coughing, so the only comfortable thing was sitting up.
Debrina, it's a black fineliner pen. There's little touches of pencil (the bird, obviously, and some on the shadow).
MrCachet, I sgree. No giving up now. Keep on chuggin.
Jeanette, thank you for the 'youngster' comment. I assume you had a cheky smile on your face when you were typing it?
Thank y'all! Hope I answered everyone.
Cheers, my dears.
amazing! i've been down with the swine for nearly a week, and i couldn't draw shi... i admire your ability, dedication, and strong will! hope you're feeling better soon!
Beautiful. I love this - Sorry you have been a sicky - Sending you lots of well and healthy thoughts your way.
Hello Andrea,
sorry for offtop )
my name is Ksenia Buksha, I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I am doing MyMoleskine.ru site - it is about sketching and drawing and making notes and everything around it. I like your sketches very much so I would like to make an interview with you - and an article about your wonderful works. I am also very interested in your Moleskine Exchange project. So maybe I'll send you several questions by mail - is it possible? Our Russian readers will be in total delight!
Ksenia Buksha
Gorgeous indeed! I have an unopened mammoth-size Nutella jar on the island in the kitchen... when can you stop by?
I am off to scrutinize this amazing drawing on Flickr...
Thats a beautiful drawing!
Wow.. this is amazing work! I accidentally stumbled upon your blog..good stuff
LOVE LOVE LOVE the sketches.
Before you completely run out of Nutella (one of God's greatest gifts to us!!), here's one of my fave quick recipes...guaranteed to make you feel better for a short time ;)
Slather some nutella on a ready-made crepe and place it in a pan on the stove over low heat. Add some sliced strawberries and bananas. Let them get just warm. Add a dash of cinnamon-sugar. Put a dollop of sweet cream or whipped cream on and pull both sides to the center to make a roll. Place on a plate, add a bit more whipped cream. Enjoy. Lick saucer when done if home alone. :)
I do hope you feel better soon.
Cheers, folks.
France, I can't wait for the day I can stop by.
Macpug, that sounds absolutely AMAZING. I am definately going to try it.
Thank you all, my lovelies.
this is beautiful! hope you are feeling all better by now..
Great Work!
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