Click on drawings to view and read. Actually it's probably better that you don't.

A couple more spreads from my travel themed Moleskine. More nonsense that I find flows quite freely out of my pen. I never read this stuff back. I can't sleep if I'm close to finishing a drawing, and as I put the words in last, it usually means I'm writing them late at night. Very late. Which is why it rarely makes sense. You can see the set, so far,
Hi Andrea!
I'm all for sending you something with a stamp attached. Just let me know when and where.
Me, too, Andrea! I'll even send you some unused stamps! :)
I'll even send them in some mail art (see if you'll email me a snail mail addy... I've a few (actually, A LOT) of stamps that I keep on hand for art related usage. I haven't incorporated all that many of them lately (actually, NONE) so you might as well give it a go.
And by the way - I REALLY LIKE your art!
I adore the imagery and typography of your work!
I can send some Australian stamps,left over from collage - they will be upside down to you! Also NZ stamps.
ooooh I got stamps! I'd love to send you some...
Of course I can send you stamp(s). Used, of course :-)
I live in NZ and could send you some stamps, just let me know the address and the type of stamps you were needing.
If American stamps are OK I can send some, I got really neat ones at them moment. Just let me know.
I'd love to send you some stamps. I look at them as little works of art!
I finally got to put the print I bought of yours in it's display home today. It looks even better than I imagined.
So, I figure the least I can do for your making your wonderful art available is send you some stamps. :)
Email me the postal address you'd like and I'll get them in the post this week :)
PS. These images are divine!!! I can't wait to be able to purchase more of your work. I wish I could mail you my walls and let you go nuts on them, I'd love to live in a house wallpapered in your magic!
Andrea, I think I could send you some stamps from Moscow, Russia! I just need to know the address )
Hiya! I can send some Irish (used) stamps, Kiwi/New Zealand (new) stamps and probably other used ones as I generally hold on to them for some craft project or other.
I bought a converse sketch from you last year and love, love, love it (so much that I can't decide on a frame for it but still take it out and admire it when I look at my bookshelves where it currently resides) and wanted to say hello anyway! :)
I'll send you a postcard from Lincoln with a stamp on ... er that won't work, I'll take some photographs in our local Lidl, will that help?
I love the latest post, your talent has a way of seeking the best things out!
Should have given my email
I can't believe you came to Portugal and you missed out the famous Chicken Piri-Piri from Guia! That's the name you can´t remebember, right? Well, I hope you've learned a lesson "Don't leave the best for last". The good thing though, is that now you'll have to come back.
I love your work. Best wishes from a dedicated follower of your blog and art,
I tend to bring home local specialities (food), condiments, spices and chocolate :)
Let me know if you'd like some stamps from Denmark and I'll send you a letter.
Fabulous as usual. I love the mustard
oh I can send you stamps from malaysia.
Honk Kong here...been admiring your work for a while. I'll get some stamps off to you if you send the address. Amazing art by-the-way, don't ever stop drawing!
Wow! Thanks, folks, I knew I could rely on you guys. I shall try to get my snail mail address out to each of you, who have so kindly responded to my request.
Thanks thanks thanks!
I can send stamps, too! :)
hi Andrea, I have just re-discovered your blog after being out of the loop for a little while. I'm always impressed by the order and clarity of your work, and I love reading the little anecdotes! I know exactly what you mean about foreign supermarkets. It's an unsettlingly seductive pass-time! Glad I popped back in- your drawings are very engaging (and extremely good!) :)
These are excellent, as always!
here's a fan from portugal! :)
I was recently in Basel and spent some time wandering round the supermarket - I love foreign supermarkets. I like your late night meanderings!
Andrea, you inspire!
Thanks for that!
I'm ready to send you Russian stamps whenever you want to :)
Thanks, everyone.
Helena, of course, Guia! I might add a little note to this page. I'll have to come back.
Cheers, my dears.
I have that magnet! I lived in Portugal for two years and I never heard of piri piri. Now I feel like I missed something. :(
Interesting post as for me. It would be great to read more concerning this theme. Thank you for giving that material.
Sexy Lady
High Class Escorts
I've just come back from Portugal and I loved the food there! I'm gonna pint your drawing to add to my photo album...
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