She said "Use bumhole".
Me: "Bumhole?"
Her: "Yeah".
Me: "Bum? Hole?"
Her: "That way, every time you look in the mirror you'll remember it".
Me: "Thanks for that".
Obviously, I used it.
Cut to yesterday, when somebody was helping me out with some technical difficulties I was having with an online project. They said "I'll just need your user name and your password".
Of all the passwords of all the accounts in all of the world.
Needless to say, I won't be using bumhole for any future passwords. But, she was right, I didn't forget it.
These are her feet. The cheeky bumhole.
I laughed out loud at your story. Just the other night, I got so mad trying to sign in to an account, having forgotten the password. It did occur to me for just a second to reset it to another word very like that!
I love your sketch--just the right amount of soft and fuzzy!
Not only do your drawings knock my socks off, your humour wipes away all the day's frustrations.(Like forgotten passwords!)
That was so funny to read... and makes complete sense with the drawing. Nice...
Hilarious! and gorgeous drawing too!
Hahahahahahahahahaha! I'm still laughing at that one! This drawing is great too! Love the squigglies!
great drawing, and funny story!
lol... great story!
You have pixie feet! :-) LOL at your story! My type of luck, like photocopying something you shouldn't at work and it gets stuck in the copier ... Never happened to me :-|
I definitely love all your sketches..and your story about your password is hilarious..glad i stumbled upon your page! have a nice day!
that's hilarious. oh my... how funny! beautiful fuzzy drawing too. really don't know how you get the quality you do. it's amazing.
Murphy's Law! Thanks for the giggle!
and for more of your foot fettish! ;)
Just discovered your blog - fabulous artwork!
Sod's Law on the password - that'll learn ya!
This is a classic!!!!!! You silly bumhole!
Oh brilliant! What a story! I enjoyed that a lot. I really love this drawing too - it looks really free.
Thanks, folks.
I wasn't going to post the drawing or the the story, but thought what the hell! Obvioulsy one of those very late at night decisions.
The drawing was originally a pencil drawing, really flat and boring. It only really came to life when i started scribbling all over it. It's still not great, but I can live with it now.
Stephen, I'm guessing that happened 'to a friend'. Yes? I'd certainlt be interested in seeing that drawing!
Suzanne, I know. I'm such a bumhole.
Cheers, folks.
ROFLOL!!!! Only you!!!
Awesome sketch! ^^ I love the lines and the shadings!
This is hilarious (the story not the feet)
That story is hilarious! And the illustration is beautiful!
ROFL :::can't stop giggling::: Oh man, would have paid to have seen the look on your face when you had to give him your passcode. LOLOLOLOL
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