As I slip into another of those mega drawings it seems like a good time to, once again, do a step by step post.

This drawing has been in my mind for some time. So, let me take you to a place where I go.

I'm not exactly sure where it's heading, but it's where nobody knows if it's night or day.

So stick with me, but, please, don't put your life in my hands.

I'll just throw it all away.

Take that look from off your face. No, I haven't been smoking crack, again.
It's just
THIS SONG has been playing in my head ALL day long.
oh dear god!!! that woodgrain!! unbelievable! your work just keeps getting more and more detailed! fantastic andrea. so inspiring.
Its like Magic to see your work evolve.
wow! stunning
(+ enjoyed the oasis lyrics.. I was like.. ahhh! what are they! it sounds so familar! haha)
Love love love this progression of shots, Andrea! Too amazing.
Everybody in that video seemed to know the words, except me. OK, well, I wasn't in the video, but I didn't know them all the same . . .
ahhh music and art, how could i live without...
thanks for oasis i havent listened to for ages, the most recent song i have found interesting is aesop rock called 'no regrets' or 'lucy'
umm so yeah, interested in seeing where it goes,
would like to see gloves
Hooray! It's back! I love it! If it weren't for the one on the far right I don't think I'd think this but it looks as though the middle shoe is made of leaves.
Oasis + beautiful art = perfect combination. Fantastic to see the process :D
I love the step by step!
What you can do with a "common pen" amazes me.Amazes and inspires.
Love to see how the drawings come about! The sepia is great.
I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head now too!
I love it when you post something new. I love the shoes. Thanks for so much inspiration!
Ooooh, I like going back in time. Can we do this again?
Would love to just sit and watch you draw. It's very nice - good work - love it - way to go - etc. etc.
What a calm person you are and so patient. You oughta see the way Peceli attacks a painting - loads of paint and it's finished in ten minutes, then another launch with other colours!
Thank you for the lovely shoes...but I am a barefoot person most of the time.
F***in' a. One of your best posts, Andrea.
The drawing is yet again stunning, and you're adding one of my favorite Noel Gallagher songs.
interesting to see ur sketches!
Bytheway,i want to add my flickr badge to my Blog,but i cannot! can u help me?
i'd be glad if u do!
Cheers, lovely peeps.
You have no idea how much I love reicieving your kind comments. I feel very touched. Always.
Nevermind, if you just click on 'what is this?' under my Flickr badge it tells you how to do it. It's really easy to do - it must be, if I managed it.
Thank you, guys.
so refined! i love it! hope to see a lot more!
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