As well as being a piece of sewing equipment, in the north of England the word 'bobbins' is also used for something that's a bit rubbish. So you could say "that's bobbins, that is" about something you don't like. I hope you don't say it about my drawing though!! Ha!
a) I plan to usurp "bobbins" - they already think I'm a bit daft at work, anyway.
b) That drawing is NOT bobbins - it's absolutely fantastic! It made me want to reach out and touch the spot where one was missing. *wiping monitor*
c)I found the following phrase today and figure I should be allowed to emigrate now: "A Dduw! Mae bywell yn fy mhen i!"
"that's not bobbins, no indeed!"
You just never cease to amaze and delight me with your art. This is just so awesome!!
Well, you and i know it's complete bobbins, Andrea. I mean, let's face it.
Hahahah!!!! What a cool piece of parlance!!!
I love the drawing, especially the shading around the missing button -- showing that it is conspicuously gone! Aw. Beautiful topic, and beautiful execution, as always, Andrea.
I love this drawing! That empty spot of a missing button makes me feel sad and lonely.
I'm speechless. Truly. Wow.
gorgeous, as always....
I like the ghostly image of the missing button! Wonder where it is now?
Your technique is flawless. I don't know how you make color pencils look so soft and precise at the same time. The same goes for your crosshatching: very resolute lines but extremely soft effect. I hope you work as an art teacher. I know I'd be going to your classes if I lived in Wales!
Again a wonderful, typical "Andrea Joseph"! Super well done!
Amazing! Love your fantastic art!!!
Thanks everybody for the lovely comments.
I did not expect much of a response to this as I thought you may all be a little bored of these buttons.So thanks!
Ryan, I'd like to know what kind of response you get should you start using 'bobbins'. Please tell!
Cheers guys.
Beautiful, beautiful buttons! Part of the experience of your drawings is to see them enlarged. One appreciates the details but blow it up and OMG, what is gorgeous becomes breathtaking ... and I've never said THAT of buttons before!
Lovely buttons, really beautifully drawn. I have lots of similar old sewing objects, lots of bobbins, many buttons, just love looking at them. The fountain pens are so nice, make lovely wrapping paper.
Thanks for the comment, still learning how to do all the Flickr stuff , always ringing my daughter for advice ! Did you find the video on my blog ,that she did of my exhibition.
hey, someone stole one of the bobbins! they are great, it's nice to learn new words too
bonjour :)
Thankyou Andrea for your lovely comments . I am constantly inspired when I see your amazing work and how much you get done.
I'm just drawing a dragonfly at the moment, not done much since the exhibition, need to get going again .
Cheers everyone!
I'm always dazzled by your buttons. And I enjoy the expression "that's bobbins!"....think I may use it from now on!
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