I know this sounds really dramatic but starting this blog, and drawing daily, has changed my life. It's made me focus on what I really want to do with my life and has been the best journey. Sometime ago I won a drawing competition and part of the prize was a signed Quentin Blake book. The final sentence of that book is "But then, when you start drawing you can never be quite sure what is going to happen next, can you?" I love that.
Cheers everyone!
Happy blogday! Cheers to YOU! Keep drawing! I have enjoyed every pencil mark and line!
Happy Birthday to Andrea's blog! I absolutely agree with everything you wrote in your post and want to thank you so much for your resolve to maintain this blog and putting all the time and effort into it. Your blog is subtly and gently changing our lives too! - Barbara
Happy Blogday. I look forward to your flickr posts and your blog. Just when I feel that I have mastered the art of sketching, I see something like this amazing shoe and go back to the drawing board. Your work is magnificent, and I love your blog.
Blessings, Karen
Happy Blog Birthday! I've really enjoyed viewing and reading your blog as have so many others. Looking forward to your next year of blogging.
Andrea, congratulations...and I'm realy glad you started blogging. Your drawings are even improving, the subjects you choose are so original,...and the way you make them come alive. WOW... Please, keep going, I enjoy every of your posts!
Cheers to you!! This is very inspiring to see!
Happy Birthday!
In celebration I have just spent 20 odd minutes flicking through your 'pages'...I am sooo looking fwd to year two Andrea.
Thankyou for sharing your talent!
PS. bullsed up my first comment....pretend it isn't there. LOL!
Happy Blogday! And thank you for the amazing, inspiring work you've shared with us. Brava!!
Andrea! Happy Blog Birthday!!! I am so grateful for the day that I discovered your blog. Your sensitive ink and pencil work stopped me in my tracks and I've been a fan ever since. Your blog is the highlight of my day and I'm so glad to know that I can continue to check in for my daily dose. Congratulations my friend. Here's to you ... *Jo raises a toast of 2005 Louis Jadot Chevalier-Montrachet, Les Demoiselles*
And a partridge in a pear tree!
You've done an excellent job keeping so focussed all the year.
Happy Blog Birthday Andrea! Wow, a shoe already! ;) Gorgeous drawing and scrummy shoe - I'd definitely wear this one!!
Love the shoe and the train journey drawing. You put so much skill and passion into your drawings that they cannot fail to inspire others. Your enthusiasm shines through in your love of drawing. The first time I visited I saw the little sepia bees and recognised your talent ,it is always a pleasure to visit your blog. Be proud of what you have achieved. Eileen
Hello Andrea, Every day I visit your blog. Your 'prenten' (there's no english translation) make me cheerful. Thank you for coloring these moments of life. Neeltje NL
Aaaw, thank you all for your kind words. I'm very touched. Thanks for the visits too. The thought of you returning to this blog fills me with pride. Cheers!
Happy blog birthday to you!! I have loved every minute of visiting here. Your art is SO awesome!!!
I look forward to the next year of growth.
Happy Blog Birthday - and thanks for sharing your beautiful work with all of us! I'm sad though that I could recognize your art anywhere, but wouldn't know you at all. We should try to reawaken an interest in the biographical entries and photos on the EDM Wiki.
Congratulations on your blog birthday...may you have more fun than ever! I always enjoy visiting here. Beautiful shoe on this post.
Congratulations, Andrea! Those are some phenomenal numbers! Yikes! Happy Blogiversary!
And what a wonderful drawing to celebrate with. I love those shoes! (pumps, I should say!)
I am so glad you decided to start your blog. I always look forward to see what you are going to post next.
You do amazing work.
Gorgeous drawing! Gorgeous, Andrea!
Happy blog birthday.
Darn it, i feel exactly the same way. It has refocused my whole destiny, period. Just realizing that i could no longer dissociate myself from drawing any longer.
Visiting your blog, sharing this friendship we've formed are some of the highlights of my day. My life. Keep these amazing drawings coming, Andrea.
... and i raise my Cherry Coke. :-)
Happy Blogday, Andrea - and just look what a following you have!
Your work makes me happy so keep posting - I look forward to the coming year. xxx
Happy Blog Birthday, Andrea!!! I too am a fan of your work and love to visit your blog. I'm looking forward to another year!
Cheers Andrea! I feel like I've been there with you from the very beginning so this is a momentous day for me as well. Oh, how I can relate to how blogging has made an impact. Who ever thought that this medium would prove to be so good for the drawing spirit?
Anyway, I've feel like I've really gotten to know you through your sketches and commentary and can't wait to see what the next year brings you.
By the way, I'm probably at least 10,000 of those 40,000 visits :)
Happy day to you!
Your artwork and thoughts are great. I continue to enjoy you and your site.
Happy Blog Birthday Andrea - I loved (and was completely bowled over by) the list of all you've accomplished in such a short time. Your work is always an inspiration - I wish you many many many happy returns.
Better late than never... happy blog's birthday Andrea!!! It's not only the great feelings you have creating but all the great moments you give to us all when we visit and enjoy your wonderful art. Congratulations and always a pleasure to see new drawings. Best wishes, MartÃn.
Happy B'Day. Sure has been an eventful and artful one for you hasn't it?
Cheers, everyone. I don't know how to respond to such lovely words. Except to thank you all...again.
Thank you.
Congratulations! Another year older, another year better!
Happy Blogday!! XD haha
wowza so many comments from everyone! you must have made so many new friends through this. And I don't think it sounds over-dramatic that it's changed your life. A pencil/pen is a very powerful thing...
Congratulations, Andrea, and keep up the good work!
well congrats on the year and just wonderful drawing! this shoe - i'd like to have it! i thought when i first saw it -wouldn't that be a fabulous shoe ad? who wouldn't run to the store and get a pair of these just based on your lovely handiwork
A belated but HAPPY one year BLOGDAY wish for you! I so look forward to the next year of your gorgeous illustrations!
Thanks lovely people!
I think this shoe is one of my personal faves, and it didn't take that long compared to some of my drawings. But it's all relative right?
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