This poor bee has been on the floor for sometime now. Days in fact. I kept on thinking I should get rid of it but then never getting around to it. Plus I didn't have the heart. This was Flower's (my cat) prey. She isn't big on hunting - actually I think this is the only thing she's ever caught. Well, with a name like Flower she was never going to be much of a hunter, was she? She doesn't see the point anyway not when she employs somebody (me) to wait on her hand and foot.
Speechless. Such an excellent piece.
Weird to say, but I keep imagining an army of bees just hovering above the surface waiting for an opportune moment to swarm in and rescue their fallen comrade.
Awwww, I just love cats. I miss my Sasha cat so much it hurts. She only caught me prey once, it was half a frog (never did find the other half) and she brought it in to me on my birthday! I had her 'till she was almost 20 years old. :) I love how you drew the wood, it looks like a photo! :)
Wooooooooowwwww! This is awesome! The wood grain is so realistic and ... well, poor bee. I really like the composition Adrea. I'll be back!
you should start a book from here ;))
I love this - especially the placement of the bee.
Your work is amazing.
Can't help but wish that most of it didn't have a fold down the middle, but I love it all!
Thanks guys,
Laserone - that is so sweet; how she brought you a birthday present (even if it was half a frog!). It is so difficult to lose a cat. My childhood cat was over twenty too, and I still miss her.
Gillian - I know exactly what you mean about the fold. It is a bit of a shame but I just love this Moleskine so much I find it hard working in anything else. I do try to do some drawings on plain paper like this poor bee. Thank you for the lovely comment.
Cheers all!
Andrea the wood grain is AMAZING!!!
So realistic. Excellent drawing.
Poor little bee! You've certainly given him a wonderful memorial - the wood is OUTSTANDING!! When you are in a "funk" with art it's still just phenomenal!!!
Your collection of drawings is so beautiful. Are you going to make a book or have an exhibition?
So 'Flower' catches a bee!! Great little drawing and that wood is just awesome.
That floor - and the bee - is amazing. I presume it's coloured pencil, but it's beautifully subtle. and I love that you have drawn a dead bee.
This is REALLY wonderful Andrea!
Funk or not, your hand does amazing things! (maybe it's not always connected to your brain . . .)
The woodgrain is amazing. I have yet to master coloured pencil for anything more than shading
Cheers guys.
I really appreciate you taking time to visit and comment.
Wendy - one day soon I hope!!
Thank you all.
This is nice. How long did this particular sketch take to draw and color?
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