These are very lovely shoes. I like them a lot. They've never been worn though. They live in their box in the back of the cupboard. I think I liked the wood grain on the heel. I often find myself dressed like a tree (there's lots of green and brown in my wardrobe). But seriously, what was I thinking? I don't have the kind of job that you need to dress up for. I rarely go out! I probably couldn't even walk in them. They weren't even half price in a sale - so I don't have that excuse. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Know what I mean ladies?
Oh Love thoseshoes, and will also keep te sepia, beautiful as usual. I am finally back Andrea, and I am sending hugs. Here is my NEW LINK:
Hope you stop by and sai hi!
These are great! I do know what you mean about buying shoes. I once bought a pair of shoes because they were beautiful. They didn't have my size but I bought them anyway. I never wore them either as they hurt my feet. :>(
I like shoes, too, and sometimes I buy shoes that never leave the house. But there's always eBay, unless you want to keep them around to just look at, and draw!
Ah - memories of some platform sandals I bought about 10 or so years ago. They were way too heavy, went with nothing I owned and were terribly uncomfortable. Ended up donating them recently. But at least you got a beautiful sketch out of your shoes.
Beautiful!!! Maybe they were a good investment even though you don't wear them since they're now an artwork!
DON'T wear them or you might break your ankle! People give me shoes and bling clothes because they like me to dress up/better! I just pass them onto other people, or throw them in the bin. They give me spikey heels and no way would I wear them these days.
Great shoes Andrea and love your explanation. My daughter would know EXACTLY what you mean..she is a shoeaholic!! Love what that sepia does. Maybe that's why you bought the shoes...to draw! :)
Beautiful drawing and that's probably where the shoes should stay. Surely everyone has shoes purchased but never or rarely worn. It happens. At least you made something wonderful from yours. The sepia with the wood grain is perfect.
Yum - they look comfortable to me. But I always was an optimist! Delightful drawing as usual.
Aaaw thank you all.
So I had a feeling I wouldn't be the only one! But Irene buying shoes that don't fit?!
I am really happy with this drawing - which makes a change! I love he composition and the colours so I guess they were worth the price tag...almost.
Thank you all for the comments and for all the tales of unworn shoes!
I love your drawings; I keep coming back to stare. But I know what you mean about loving the look of shoes, but then not wearing them. I had some "Barbie" shoes that I adored looking at in my closet, but that killed my feet. Still, aren't wedges like that OK for short times, like walking into and out of a restaurant? I do better with those than with narrower heels.
Oh indeed I do, for exactly the same reasons I have a pair of exquisite, very expensive, unworn ruby red suede shoes in a box in my wardrobe. But at least you have drawn yours!
Cheers guys!
I have prob'ly 1/2 dozen pair of shoes living in their boxes in the closet....in my defense...I have at least 3pr. that are identical to the sandals I wear all the time..when these wear out I'll pull one of the new pairs out of it's box and wear them until they fall to shreds....but the others...you've inspired me...maybe I should draw/paint them.....especially on a day when I can think of nothing else to draw.........deni.....;)
oh yes, I have done this myself! They just stare back at me in their beauty to make me feel guilty... Beautiful work!
shoes... we just need them - even if they have to be stored in a box tucked away somewhere. ;)
shoes... we just need them - even if they have to be stored in a box tucked away somewhere. ;)
Andrea, I just read your blog and it got me cracking up. LOL. I dress like a tree too! Now what's up with that? :)
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