I resisted getting a Moleskine for quite a while. I've never wanted to be a member of a Moleskine club - in fact quite the opposite. When I did get one I really wanted to dislike it. I'm sure you know what's coming next...yep, I love it! I love this Moleskine. More than that I'm really enjoying the work I've been doing in it. What is it about these books? Why do people fall for them in such a big way? I don't know. I just know that it really pushes my button. Sorry.
This is gorgeous, Andrea! You have such a way with capturing detail that is fascinating!
What did you use - a sepia micron pen, or watercolour? I really like the effect.
I'm in awe for your detailed work. I love to see your drawings, full of detail, full of life
This is just gorgeous! I would also love to know wha mediums you used?
Cheers guys!
I used a Pilot G-Tec pen (sepia)for this - well infact for all the sepia drawings. They last quite a long time...and they need too!!
I think it is magic....because I really love this one! I've resisted being in "the club" for a long time now...but I think my next sketchbook may have to be a moleskine.
You too?
And I can't even grouse, because your work in it is awesome!
Again, it came out a lot more crisp on Flickr -- but i needed to stop by your blog to reiterate how gorgeous this is.
Fantastic sketch!! I love the sepia (of course I love your colored pens too!). I've recently become a Arches watercolor block snob so can identify 100% with your moleskine infatuation - LOL! It's funny how we stubbornly refuse to get sucked in and then WHAM, we're hooked.
Yet more wonderful art!
I saw a programme the other night about a woman who has a phobia of buttons. This would have freaked her out!
Looks like you are on the way to doing a map of Australia - it looks like the eastern side! I'm awed by your details.
I hope you are feeling better - I was crook for three weeks and still cough a bit - it's a tickle now, and no longer have to stand on my head to cough.
gosh I can see why! you really make beautiful pictures!
Andrea, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - your work is beautiful!! and now ive found you!
will be back..:)
love these buttons..and your work is so varied!!
Hi - just found this pic on flickr and I love this drawing - the colour is beautiful ! I am looking forward to exploring your blog.
I just can't get excited about my Moleskine. If I was coming up with drawings like THIS in it, however, I would feel very differently about it! This is wonderful. Your cross-hatching is such an attractive and distinctive feature of your work.
Wonderful piece.
and aren't the books devine?
Thank you all.
I'm proud of this one and working on another as I speak. I'm going to do another version for an exhibition that's coming up.
BT Bear - I saw a trailer for that programme too. I once knew somebody who had a phobia (fear?) of the word 'buttons'!! How mad is that? It was rather unfortunate that I was sharing a house with somebody who had a cat called Buttons at the time!!
Wendy - I'm at the non stop coughing stage at the moment. The only relief is cough sweets but I'm eating packets of them daily so that I don't end up coughing and spluttering over my work mates. I can certainly relate to standing on your head to cough; very funny!
Cheers again, everyone.
Fantastic! I just want to keep looking and looking...
Was this a real pile of buttone, or did you do some or all of it from your imagination?
Great buttons, terrific details. They look like they're smiling.
Bravo, Andrea,
Your work is right on the button!
Hope you're feeling better
Cheers guys.
Martha - I drew each button individually. Just picking them out of the box one at a time and adding them to the picture - so the composition just kind of happened.
Oh and the composition I felt it was sub-consciously(??)becoming a map of Wales!
Thank you all.
oh yea, this is gorgeous. I love buttons anyway and I do love thid sketch. I loved the way you let the composition just happen, I do that do. And welcome to the cult of moleskines! I've been going steady with my watercolor moleskine for awhile now, but keep a moleskine sketchbook too.
wonderful. and i really do need to get one of these pens too!
I think the blogs made the Moleskine popular. I have been using Moleskines since they were reintroduced and used to draw on them. Like my other notebooks I threw them away after they were filled. The latest one I filled I had for three years and made 57 drawings on them. I decided to keep this one. I think Van Gogh's Moleskine made it very special for artists.
But you are a master illustrator. I am glad I came here.
Thank you guys.
Jane - there is a real freedom to making the composition just happen. I really enjoyed that (on all of these Moleskine pages) I must do more of it.
Ces - I can't believe you throw your books away! I've heard of somebody else say they do this, it would break my heart! I still mourn over books that I have lost in the past. Thanks for the lovely comment.
Ksklein - get one now! They are the only pen I've ever really become attatched too.
Your drawings are wonderful. And yup, there's something quite seductive about those little black books!
I did get a set of them a few months ago and as usual you were right! ;)
They are great and I use mainly these for my illustrations. Unfortunately you can´t get the Sepia toned one here.
Wow i was exactly like this too about Moleskines. Then one thing led to another and now I'm married to a moleskine. They're so nice and makes me feel so much arty-er than I really am haha.
Some of the buttons look like little ninjas...I'm on to you buttons
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