There was a time, not so long ago, when I would do anything to avoid drawing. I would cook, clean, iron and EVEN do the dishes. Today I have been avoiding doing my college assignment by drawing this door. How times have changed.
Beautiful door, gorgeous wood rendering. Now i can understand your shift in priorities -- i can relate! Never, ever, ever leave drawing on the back burner! You are wayyyyy too talented to let anything get in the way of it. I am glad to hear your college assignment had to wait!
The detail on this door is amazing Andrea, what wonderful work you do. I could sit and look at your illustrations all day, they are so wonderfully inspiring!
Impressing door. I like your style very much. Realistic but not completly photorealistic which can become stale sometimes. Your work always look like an illustration, which makes it much more faszinating.
Dear Andrea, believe it or not I have kept track of your work for while, but I have been too lazy to leave a comment. I must admit you have a hell of a stroke. As a design student, I have to develop drawings that show texture and details. This is a perfect example of what my professors would like to see. I am amazed at how well you have drawn the grain on this door. Simply amazing!!!
Gorgeous! You are just amazing. I can see why you would rather draw than study. I am finding I would rather draw than do anything else like cooking and cleaning. It's an illness...a wonderful illness.
Edgar - I'm really flattered, thank you! Your new posts are brilliant and the drawing is really great.
Teri - I'm the same, I also want to draw more than anything else. I'm always spotting things or thinking of something else I'd like to draw when I've got time! I see it more as an addiction. A wonderful addiction!!
The feelings mutual! I am going to link to you, hope it's alright? I LOOOooooOove your work!
I forgot to mention I love your little avatar too!
What a beautiful drawing...soft and with an incredible eye for details. Very nice work.
Beautiful door, gorgeous wood rendering. Now i can understand your shift in priorities -- i can relate! Never, ever, ever leave drawing on the back burner! You are wayyyyy too talented to let anything get in the way of it. I am glad to hear your college assignment had to wait!
The detail on this door is amazing Andrea, what wonderful work you do. I could sit and look at your illustrations all day, they are so wonderfully inspiring!
Impressing door. I like your style very much. Realistic but not completly photorealistic which can become stale sometimes. Your work always look like an illustration, which makes it much more faszinating.
Thank you all for such lovely comments!
Dear Andrea, believe it or not I have kept track of your work for while, but I have been too lazy to leave a comment. I must admit you have a hell of a stroke. As a design student, I have to develop drawings that show texture and details. This is a perfect example of what my professors would like to see. I am amazed at how well you have drawn the grain on this door. Simply amazing!!!
Gorgeous! You are just amazing. I can see why you would rather draw than study. I am finding I would rather draw than do anything else like cooking and cleaning. It's an illness...a wonderful illness.
Edgar - I'm really flattered, thank you! Your new posts are brilliant and the drawing is really great.
Teri - I'm the same, I also want to draw more than anything else. I'm always spotting things or thinking of something else I'd like to draw when I've got time! I see it more as an addiction. A wonderful addiction!!
Thanks guys.
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