As you may know I like to theme my Moleskines. Recently, whilst working in this sketchy one, I've found myself drawing on my breaks at work or while I'm waiting for my food to cook or the ingredients of the meal I'm making or even my meal before it gets eaten. You see, I LOVE food. I love food as much as drawing. I love cooking food and I love eating food. I have made the odd drawing celebrating my love of food before, like
THIS ONE, but I wonder why I haven't yet started a food themed Moley. Yet. I think it's next on the list of projects.
Talking about projects, I shall be posting an update on a much overdue project shortly. It is VERY exciting. Really, it is. So come back and see it. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Meanwhile, I've been uploading the pages from my sketchy Moleskine to Flickr. You can see them all
HERE. There are quite a few that I have not featured on my blog.
One more thing, any ideas how do I stop the spam comments on my blog? They piss me off no end. Cheers, my dears.
ive been enjoying the idea of themed journals. life drawin/street drawing, and a third for scribs and writins.
The BEST way to stop spam on your blog is to GET OFF of Blogger.
The hosts are apparently not interested in giving you good tools to manage spam ... relying instead on the incredibly ineffective CAPTCHA thing.
Wordpress.com has a couple of great spam control plugins, Akismet and WP-Spamfree. Combined they catch 99.97% of the spam that hits my blog and makeit so easy to remove the remainder that spam is no longer a chore.
Continuing my rant, the CAPTCHA (word verification gizmo) is, as you have found, and almost useless defense. While they are intended to keep robots from posting, the robots bypass them more easily than people. CAPTCHAs are total roadblocks for most people with disabilities (about 8% of the online population) and are barriers that cause failures about 20% of the time for people with normal abilities. They are the lazy way for hosts to provide an illusion of security.
Dump Blogger. Switch to Wordpress!
You'll be happier with much less spam annoyance, and you'll have time for more fabulous drawings.
love the vending machine/banana page ... perfect description of a work day ;)
So so beautifuulll.
Thanks for this.
Hi Andrea,I wouldn't say get off Blogger like Bob Easton said, you have so many followers here who would be lost if you left,but I would check into tumblr,I have, it's not the same format... but alot easier (than blogger) and alot more fun... one drawback, no comments, but that could be a good thing, huge timesaver.. you will have followers who can either like or reblog your stuff, but still respect it... just an idea. tim @poetreats and zabc.tumblr.com
Food! yes, oh yes. Love your drawings as always. As for me, I can't stick to one theme. I'm starting one, then bouncing off to another. I thought I would start a different journal for each 'bounce' .. it's getting ridiculous lol.
Just think of the spam as part of being immensely popular. I only have a few people visit my blog so of course, I get no spam (as long as I have the captcha). Wordpress could be an option but I've heard many people say they can't figure out what they are doing there so don't get rid of this one even if you do start up there until you are sure you will like it.
Nice drawings as usual. I'll be by to see that overdue project!
nice! thansk!
Thanks a lot for a great post!
I love your moleskine sketchbooks. There is nothing to compare with sketches. I like them better than "finished" fine art. They capture the mood and life of what is being sketched much better than a piece that has been labored over for hours or days. Sorry about the spam problem.
Thanks, folks.
Bob, rant away! I love a good rant. I have thought about moving but it's all the effort. I know that might sound lazy but I find just posting takes me forever. And, then there is the followers thing.
As you can see there are spammers in these comments too. Makes me so angry.
Thank you all guys, I appreciate YOU taking the time to comment.
You can delete the comments you don't want and mark them as spam. At least that way they (the unwanted comments) won't show up on your blog anymore for everyone to see. You will still have the annoyance of seeing them yourself of course, but at least your blog won't have to show them for all eternity.
So far I've had two spammers, but blogger regognized them as such right away and did not put them on my blog, but in the spamsection of the comments. They really are a drag.
Waoh!!! impressive sketches. I love your works.
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