I'm so tired these days. I'm exhausted and need my bed as I type this. I just cannot keep up with everything I have to do. When I started this blog I guess I just wanted to start drawing again. Then some time went by and I realised that I might just have some skill and, who knows, I could actually turn my hobby into work. Now I'm at the stage where I can't keep up with it all. I know that all small businesses go through this transitional stage and this is where they can flourish or, for want of a better phrase, go tits up.
I just wasn't expecting to get to a stage where I hardly have the time to draw. These are two pages from my new Moleskine project; the airmail/penpal/Scandinavian themed one. I managed to sneak an evenings drawing in earlier in the week. At this rate this book will be finished in 2036.
Any advice?
Please take care of yourself. Those of us who love and admire your work will wait patiently with grace and understanding. Your best work is likely when your head and hand and heart is steady and rested.
just do your best. it's often hard to find the things you want to do instead of the things you have to do. everything in life goes in cycles.
you do what you must do for yourself. your blog readers will still be here when you get back ;)
My experience is that time for art is a must - without the creative breaks to re-charge energy levels will just keep dropping. If you can, get help with the stuff you least enjoy handling - book keeping, orders and packaging, framing and hanging... whatever applies in your case. Friends and family are good places to find some help, until finances allow you to pay someone - try inviting a bunch of people over to help out, delegate the jobs to them, and "pay" them with loads of tea/coffee, cake and sandwiches through the day, and a scrumptious meal at the end.
Don't give up! :)
I am not at that stage yet... I am still running the rat race with the hope that one day I can go it alone so my advise is quite limited. All I can say is that your drawing is truely amazing and beautiful, I love seeing your new work and it's sad that you dont have enough time to draw. It's great that you're successful but maybe you do need a little help or some time out?
Remember to take time for the things that are important to you. Whether it's a walk in the fields, seeing friends, or a drawing that's yours and not 'work'. Otherwise it'll all get too much and you'll feel like you're drowning. This is supposed to be fun after all. Take care of yourself.
I hear you sister! Hang in there. Appreciate how far you've come and how much further you're going to go! I believe in you!
Get a manager and jack your prices up :)
from one artist to another -I am super impressed with all of your drawings! I love it when artists document their sketchbooks. I am terrible with a consistent sketchbook... so I don't. But I love yours! Keep it up!
You have the most beautiful, the most deeply heartening sketchblog that I've found on the internet. I sure hope that you'll be able to take the time to do whatever makes you happiest and set aside what doesn't, at least for a little while. Long enough so that you can catch you're breath!
I learned the hard way.
When I didn't take a break, when I knew in my heart I needed one, my body took one for me.
And believe me, it takes a lot longer to get back to the drawing table that way. Don't let yourself get to the point where you longer have a choice. The only way to be your best is to be your best to yourself.
Hope that helps.
Love your work and your dedication, but I suspect you aren't superwoman either.
PS I would pay more for your work as well. Caren
Thank you for all the useful, and supportive, comments. I am actually putting a couple into action. as we speak.
Cheers, everyone. I appreciate each and every comment and visit.
Do what your heart tells you to do.
Pitch the rest.
I find I have to pace myself, so that I don't get overwhelmed. But what I wanted to say most of all is that I just love these two drawings. The simplicity of them and the subtlety of the shading.
One day ... one hour ... one moment at a time ..... it works it really does:)
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