As you can see, at the beginning of this exercise I kept getting confused and getting the book the wrong way up. I absolutely LOVE this exercise, though. Not only are you drawing but you have a real good laugh, too. What can be better than that?
They are all, unbelievably, celebrities. I'd LOVE to hear if you think you might be able to name some. There are the obvious ones; Swelling (as I used to think she was called) Ewing, Boris Johnson (was that obvious, I don't know?). And, then there are some...well...if you could name them, not only would I eat my hat I'd give you my...er...car?
Happy Happy Christmas, one and all.
(Disclaimer: I will NOT really give you my car)
Well, Andrea, I never heard of the ones you mentioned, but I think I might see Pamela Anderson and Woody Allen. I don't know if I see a Liza Minelli or a very early pic of Eliz Taylor.
That's the best I can do,
Row 2, column 3 - Alan Partridge.
Good likeness! I must try the umop-ap!sdn portraits.
Row 4 column 1 - Larry David
Row 2, column 1 - Kim Basinger?
Row 2, column 2 - Linda Gray
Last pic - Macaulay Culkin?
First pic - James May?
Row 3, last column - Dave Gorman?
I love the 4th portrait on the last row.
not taking any guesses, wouldn't want you to lose your car... wait you said that wasn't the deal. love the concept and your outcome! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hey, it's great to see you doing portraits, that's a treat for Christmas! ;) Have a wonderful Christmas Andrea and a very happy and creative 2010!
I think there's Russell Brand, Charlie Brooker, David Gest?, I want to say Lady Di? the young Michael Jackson? One of the young Princes? and Lindsay Wagner.
Are you setting off for a Christmas trip?, we are so excited to see you, me deario! Love this idea. see you in the morning!
You're such a tease, except for Woody Allen, they're all Lady Gaga!!!
Maureen. www.thepizzagang.com
Fun project. I see Woody Allen, Ivana Trump and Liza Minelli.
Nelson mandela is my fave! Love it a fab piece of work!!
Woody Allen is one I recognize. Have a Merry Christmas Andrea and I hope to see lots of your artwork in 2010.
Top row, third: Liam Neeson? I love this exercise! Think I'll go try this one. You did them upside down?
I also saw, Woody Allen, Ivana Trump(?)
Have a great Christmas!
hahaha! Very awesome art!!!! happy christmas!!!
Woody Allen, Boris Johnson, Liz Minelli, Macauley Culkin and the chap who plays the psychologist in Lie to Me and one who looks like Tony (Jug Ears) Abbott. The first upside-downer looks a bit like James May before he cut his hair.
If that is Tony Abbott, would you like to keep him? Please?
Hey there Andrea, you have such a great blog and I love your sketches - they make me feel so nostalgic, I don't even know why!
You commented on my blog a long while ago, back in October 2008 about my Stephen Stills concert review! I just got a new comment on that post and thought I would finally reply back to you! :)
Anyway, it was great to stumble on your blog - I hope to be here more often in the future!
I'm off to get ready for Christmas lunch now - Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and best wishes for the new year :)
By the way, the faces I wanted to guess - have already been guessed! And I am really not sure but is there a Yoko Ono there...?
What a fun exercise. I think I can see Béatrice Dalle, Woody Allen, Alan Partridge, Paul Merton and possibly Dave Gorman!
I love it!!
I see one that looks like Larry David. :)
i see julia roberts, patti from ab fab and liza minelli.
oh do tell us.
These are just wonderful!
Oh...I love your sketches!!!
Són molt bons i, a més a més, molt originals!
Can I put myself into your blogg followers?
Love it, love it, love it, love it!
Okay, I think I see Martha Stewart, Dolly Parton, Woody Harelson, Michael Jackson, larry David, Macauley Culkin... Audrey Hepburn? This is such a cool project :)
I think I see Woody Allen, Larry David, Julia Roberts, Janean Garofalo, Ben Stein
...and Tori Spelling.
Happy New Year!
Either Marcel Marceau or Jackie Mason?...fun.
Thank you all, folks.
Yes; Alan Partridge, Larry David, James May, Linda Gray, Russell Brand, Charlie Brooker, Woody Allen, Boris Johnson, Beatrice Dalle, Paul Merton, Patsy from AbFab.
No; Pamela Anderson, Elizabeth Taylor, Liza Minelli, Kim Basinger, Macauley Culkin, Michael jacson, one of the young princes, Lady Di, Lindsy Wagner, Ivana Trump, Tori Spelling, Julia Roberts, Liam Neeson. And I have absolutely no idea who Tony (jugears) Abbot is.
And, for sure it does look MORE like Dave Gorman and Jackie Mason than who it actually is supposed to be.
Cheers, guys. You make my day.
Brilliant little game, even if some of us were 'way off-beam.
Tony Abbott is the leader of the Opposition in the Australian Federal Parliament and I think sometimes even he has no idea who he is!
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