. This is not only the cover to one of my Moleskines but also the cover to my zine.
. It features a Moo sticker by Blanca Gomez, in the top right hand corner, and some lovely stamps.
. The zine is a small, but cute, A6 (105 x 148 mm).
. It has 9 drawings. All are from my Moleskines.
. Some of which have been my most Faved on Flickr.
. There's a couple of doodley ones.
. This is one of them;
. It comes in a recycled envelope and will be sent to you in a Jiffy bag or box.
. It is a really great stocking filler. Or a Secret Santa gift (slick, ain't I?).
. The word s**t does appear in one of the drawings (as in "no s**t, Sherlock"), just in case you are offended by that. It is very tiny, though.
. You might need a magnifying glass to read some of the writing.
. You can take advantage of a special offer if you pre order.
. This is another of the drawings;
. I don't want to show all of the drawings because I think it'll spoil the surprise.
. I can't think of anything else.
. Except that everybody who orders before Christmas Eve will be entered into a draw to WIN the original drawing from the last post. A little Christmas present for you guys. Order more than one zine and your name will be thrown into the hat that many times.
Last thing to say, I suppose, is that I really hope that this the first of a series. Now get your asses over to ETSY!
LOL! Just have to find my credit card! (Cool drawings and cover)
I love your work Andrea, the detail is amazing! Will be interested to see your zine...
(P.S. the deleted comment was me - sorry - I am still learning how to use Blogger! LOL)
OK, I did it! I cant wait to get it!
VERY exciting, Andrea! Can't wait to see it : )
Thank you all, guys.
Thanks to you have made orders, too. I'm very touched that you like my work enough to put your hand in your pockets and buy it. Really, I am.
Cheers, my dears.
You are a very unique and talented artist :-) I love everything you do, it is very inspiring to see all these wonderful compositions and excellent draughtsmanship.
yOU KNOW? my dad collected stamps, too! We have very big collection!
I'm on my way to Etsy but first
I've left an award for you on my blog. Please stop by to collect it!
Woohoo!!! Getting my purse right now!
Thanks, everyone.
Joanie and Barbara, thank you for the orders, guys. Big orders, too! I'm so touched.
Cheers, folks. I appreciate all of your visits and comments.
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