You can't get a more perfect breakfast than grilled kippers and poached egg, can you? Actually, don't bother answering that, because even as I was typing those words loads more dishes that could take the 'perfect breakfast' title popped into my head. Bacon butties, of course. Porridge with honey on a cold winters morning. And, warm croissants with cream cheese and jam, Full English, Continental, smoked haddock and poached eggs, Nutella on toast, houmous and pittas, Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, beans and cheese on toast. You get the picture.
Grilled kippers and poached egg, ONE of the most perfect breakfasts, ever.

By the way, nobody has come even remotely close to working out the theme of
THIS little book. Any guesses? Alternatively, you could just tell me your favourite breakfast.
French toast, croissants and marmalade, potato scones with bacon and maple syrup, nutella and peanut butter on toast, the Alpen with apricots in it (but I don't think they make it any more) .....
Don't have any clue on the theme of the book, but I'm having lots of fun looking at the drawings and trying to think what it is!
Love these two pages! Could the theme be "Sunday, Bloody Sunday?"
Theme? - Homework? Housebound?
Whatever, I am enjoying it.
The laundry basket is terrific. Kippers? Well, the drawing is great anyway. Theme: paper, pen, and personal!
Cheers, folks.
Emma, I don't know anyone else who likes peanut butter AND Nutella on toast. I'm impressed, it's my fave. Not sure, about the potatoey one though....
Ryan, seriously. You cannot be serious.
Nobody ever is going to get this theme. And, I kinda like that. I'll have to set a prize, I think.
Cheers, my dears.
Oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon and plenty of walnuts.
what's breakfast? oh a cup of coffee and a granola bar on the way to work. thinkin' about the theme, i'll take a stab at it soon.
As soon as I saw Nutella on toast I couldn't help but to smile :D
Mine would be cereal with milk, and later toast with butter, sugar, and cheese... sometimes I'd have nutella just to give a little kick in the morning!
If you could make dirty laundry looking so good, I wouldn't mind having more of those really(I like doing laundry anyway) ^^
Cheese omelet with sourdough toast buttered and some kind of fried potatoes. Yum.
around the house?
housework exercises? :-)
How about this middle eastern breakfast: It's called Fatet Hummous. Basically it is fried or grilled pita bread bits drenched in chicken and Humous broth, and mixed with soft, creamy homous (as opposed to the firmer homous version most are used to) and boiled chick-peas. All dressed up with chopped parsely, garlic, almond slivers... yummmmmmmy
(If you want the full receipe - I'll consider emailing it to you -lol - seriously, I will).
wonderful! I don't know what the theme of your book is yet, but it's great--keep 'em coming! Household "stuff?!" Things in the 'hood?
Straberries, raspberries, blueberries and yoghurt; fried egg and fried bread sandwich (I can feel my veins clogging up just thinking about it!; brown toast and marmite; brown toast and marmalade; pancakes and golden syrup and lemon; my Mum's american pancakes; french toast with cinnamon sugar. . . and pasta with pesto when I have a hangover!
Oooh - I'm hungry now!
Lightly toasted bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon.
Or lightly toasted bagels with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon.
Or a dippy egg with soldiers. But dippy eggs are so hard to get right.
Could the theme be that all of these things are mentioned in songs by a particular artist?
waffles topped with ricotta cheese, cinnamon, and warm applesauce.
and bacon.
The only thing that comes to mind for a theme is song lyrics. I love the laundry basket.
Favorite breakfast? There's several of them, but I'll go with coffee, croissants, and bacon.
Hahaha...this is clever ! Naughty underwear sometimes leads to airing your dirty laundry in public...at least when you're a womanising politician, it does. Maybe Andrea's drawing "scenes from an MP's home"...:)
PS: How do you get the darker shades and tones, Andrea ? A different pen, or do you just go over same areas more ? It looks great !
Just reading your blog has made me hungry for breakfast and it is almost time or an afternoon snack. 3:00 pm CST - USA).
Some of my favorite breakfasts are either pancakes or waffles, with bacon, Orange Juice and Hot Steamy Coffee
But of course I would not be a southern belle from Atlanta if I did not include - Fried Eggs with cheese grits - buttered toast and homemade jam. . . .
Thanks for your beautiful blog and sharing your art.
Theme: different colour per drawing. Wonderful. Brilliant (I use those words far too often where your art is concerned, must go search for thesaurus)
Still bashing my head against wall ... going to take some time before I stop, I fear ... am now completely blocked as far as drawing is concerned, ta :) xxx
ok, so it's NOT different colour per drawing ... something to do with the text then. Still wonderful & brilliant (no thesaurus yet my head hurts) xxx
Breakfast: I love a good granola with lots of nuts and berries, frsh and dried, and good creamy plain yogurt. Then again, I love bacon and eggs with really good multi-grain toast and apple butter or thick jam.
The theme? Well laundry is too obvious (and I have not been keeping a sharp eye out so there are probably different drawings I've missed. Double Meanings, maybe?
How about the things you HAVE to spend time and money on? Those nasty money-sucking necessities we all have to deal with?
Great job, as usual. :):)
Thanks, guys.
How could I have forgotten waffles and maple syrup. MMMmmmMMMMmmmMMMmmm.
Alex, butter, sugar and cheese on toast? All at the same time? I'm sorry, but that sounds yuk.
Fadwa, I WANT that recipe. I got truly madly deeply into hummous when I lived in Israel for a little time. It's still one of my favourite foods. Love it.
Kathleen, apple butter? Mmmm sounds good.
EE, cheese grits? Never had them but they sound amazing.
Oooh, I love all this breakfast talk. It's fab. I could talk food, forever.
As for the theme, nobody is close yt. Yes, they are all scenes from aorund my home, but that's not what I'm after. It's something more than that. Keep guessing.
Thank you all, lovely people.
my favourite breakfast had got to be toast which is not really toasted properly, so it is half bread half toast, oh and with butter on it - butter has to be all melty and gooey not so you can taste the actual butter.
i'll think of the theme later, i'm concentrating right now
well i noticed its all on squared paper. maybe it has something to do with... hmmm... song lyrics maybe or something like that. i'm really curious to know what it is. please tell me. pleeeeeeease.
oh, i posted some more stuff on my blog :-)
Is the theme chores at home?
I love the cat sketches. What a great idea.
Bacon butties are my favourite breakfast now. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
"Pà amb tomàquet". That's toasted country bread with tomato, garlic and olive oil. Very tipical in my country, and soooooo goooood!!!!
Love your blog, and love your art.
Thank you!
I don't know how often you read the comments, but I wish to let you know that you moved me, and it simply made me smile to see your art.
I'm happy that I was that lucky to come across your site.
Thanks :)
I don't know how often you read the comments, but I wish to let you know that you moved me, and it simply made me smile to see your art.
I'm happy that I was that lucky to come across your site.
Thanks :)
places your cat is fond of? haha, yea, besides that I haven't a clue.
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