Sunday, July 05, 2009

the way we were

These two drawings are a kind of memory drawings. Well, the idea is from a memory. I've just used a bit of creative license. I remember as a kid being told to go and tidy the living room which would have been full of toys and books and stuff. I would pull the settee out and pile absolutely everything in the room behind the settee then push it back into place. You see, creative even back then.

So, this girl has been told to tidy up, and that's what she's done. In her way.

These drawings are crying out for some colour. I really love monochromatic drawings. I am never that happy when I add colour, but with these I really feel the urge. So you might just be seeing them again, sometime in the near future.
Kids, (big and small) you have my permission to print these off and colour them in yourselves. You have to let me see the results, though. And, I might just post them.


Rhomany said...

AHAHA! I used to do that too! Fab drawings as always Andrea. I love your detail.

Joan Y said...

Wah? Just for kids? Shoot, I was tempted to crayon them in myself! This is great Andrea and I wish you'd do lots and lots and lots of these! You know your craft so well!

Carolina said...

Hi Andrea!
My husband happened to pass by while I was checking this post, and he instantly fell in love with your art, just as I did a long time ago.
Beautiful drawings, and the idea of coloring them is just great, for the kid inside everyone of us...
Best regards,

Anonymous said...

these are lovely!

"JeanneG" said...

I love these. Just may have to channel the inner child in me and color them with colored pencil. Thanks for the offer.

Stephen Hall said...

Exactly the type of tidying up that goes on in this house! Fabulous drawings I love them - won't try and colour them in, I would be ashamed if I went over the edges!

Karen Jinks said...

I think my 4 year is already cultivating these creative tendencies - you should have seen what I found under our sofa the other day lol. Beautiful drawings!!

cristinoel said...

So Cute!!!! I would never had had the nerve to do that, but then agian there is the bed....

iva yaneva said...

hahahah! This is so awesome! I am going to visit my 8-year-old niece the day after tomorrow and I will definitely print them for her - she loves to draw and she will totally love your drawings :)

Rachael said...

I just sat down for a breather while trying to sort out the piles of things that I can never find a home for, so your drawings really made me laugh. Thanks Andrea! The bedroom is currently somewhere in between the two drawings, so I'd better get on with it.

Alex said...

These are so good! :) And put a big smile on my face.
I really like your lines and the amount of details you put into all your drawings.

Anonymous said...

I'm in here instead of "tidying the living room" which seems to be a magnet for newspapers and off-cuts of lino...

Danette said...

Awesome drawings....wish I had such cool drawings to colour as a kid, the colouring books always irritated me with their badly drawn pictures. These really make me itch to get out my colour pencils:)

Ann said...

These are delightful! And just how it looks around here. I emailed you my daughter's colorized drawings. She had a lot of fun with these. Thanks!

Pippa said...

Wow and WOW! You have exhausted me of words good enough to describe these drawings. Definite new favourites.

And I'm very much looking forward to colouring them in :o)

Sue said...

I'm glad you said kids big or small. As a 50 year old sponge bob fan who's next knitting project is a knitted slug, I consider myself qualified as a big kid. Also - my before and after cleaning efforts are quite similar to what you've drawn. I can't wait to get home and color!

hsing3kinder said...

Thank you so much for
sharing, these are perfect for my daughter!
I've posted them on my
flickr page ~

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Thank you all SOOO much, folks.

I'm going to do a post next week on the results of the colouring in. I am chuffed to bits with the versions I've recieved so far. If you want to be included please get them to me soon.

Cheers, my dears.

computerarte said...


Gillian Mowbray said...

Delightful drawings. I particularly love the cat. ^_^

Doris said...

Gorgeous drawings. Andrea, you create the most wonderful detail. All 3 of my children have at some point used the same 'tidying up' technique - out of sight, out of mind. Look forward to seeing the coloured versions.

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

My 7 year old grand-daughter is painting them right now... and if I do say so myself... she's done a fine job of it... I'll scan and send as soon as I can. Thanks for giving us this activity to share.

Zom said...

Isn't it fun to draw stuff from your head? Memories and made up stuff. And yours are wonderful.

I love your invitation. I saw these with just some spots of colour. I look forward to see what you have done.

K said...

OK, I printed one out tonight and will get started! Hope I'm not too late!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Thanks ladies, I'll post them by the end of the week. I'm so happy you took part.


widdywoo said...

It's nice to know that there is someone apart from me who is happier working in monochrome rather than in colour!

Your art is fabulous!

lain said...

You know, you draw me on the first picture))

Pippa said...

I've coloured them in too:

Priscilla said...

I just love this! I'm always telling my 10 year old daughter to "tidy up" the living room. (Although her in the states I usually say "clean up"). She loves coloring too. I'm printing them off for her.