This is my response to Everyday Matters challenge #191, draw some paper money. I'm really enjoying doing some Everyday Matters Challenges at the moment. I hadn't done any for quite some time, so it's really good to get back into some good old observational drawing.
I also very much enjoy being a part of the Everyday Matters group. Especially when I need some information on something arty, like in my last post. Thanks to everybody who emailed me, commented and left a message at the group forum. Here's that fiver I owe you.
Oh, and the detail in this would have been much finer, if my bloody pencils would have sharpened without breaking.
Absolutely incredible. It's photorealism with a certain something else -- like pixie dust.
Wow! Someone should employ you as a forger!
OhMyGoodness! I actually thought this was a photograph when I first saw it! Mind blowing!
lovely drawing. i think the idea of becoming a forger is a real goer!
OH MAN! This is great Andrea.
Okay, this is my new fav! Stunning!!
VERY beautiful! It looks like a photograph.... only better!
BLIMEY - absolutely blummin' awesome!
Is there anything you can't master?!
oh my god! not to over gush but when i first went on your blog i thought why's she put a photo of a fiver up?!? it was only when i clicked on it that i realised it was a drawing! amazing little piece.
Bizarrely enough reminds me of ironing £5 notes for work this week?!
thanks for being an inspiration
I like the position and the used look you depicted-so very well
so amazingly real!! i thought this was a photo too!
YOWSA, your work Never ceases to Amaze Me!!!
Andrea - this is amazing!!!! I just gave you a blog award if you'd like to check my drawing blog for details (pencil-paper-paint) Thanks, Marva
Another really interesting look into your life. Sometimes I feel like I'm a voyeur, peeking everywhere into your life, including your wallet. ;) I'm sorry about your habitually breaking pencils. I use colored pencils lots, and don't have the problem often of breakage. I use an electric sharpener, perhaps that's a reason. Or maybe I was lucky to buy pencils that hadn't been manhandled.
A great drawing. everytime I get a five pound note it always looks grubby just like this.
You covered up her Majesty's face. Is that proper English etiquette?
Very good work Andrea.
Thanks, folks.
Wouldn't it be great if drawings could pass for real money. Might solve some of my problems!
Evolve, ???
Marva, thank you.
Milly, they do ALL seem to be very grubby. I think they are phasing them out. They ain't worth that much these days, are they?
Rick, there is some sort of funny law, I think, or I've just made it up. I only really covered her face, though, because I didn't want to draw the whole thing. Of course.
Cheers, everyone. Glad you like it. This one is growing on me.
Your talent is amazing - truly!
Another great one. I love visiting to see what's new. You never disappoint.
That's amazing - I just thought you'd posted a photo of a couple of fivers for a minute - wow!!
Oh my giddy Aunt!!! This is marvellous! Now you're just showing off!
Please can you send your talent pixie over my way???
Thank you, guys and dolls.
You blow me away. I've been staring at how you could have possibly done this.
Freaking amazing...the textures you get blow away my mind...Poof its gone! :)
Good art work.
Cheers, folks.
I really actually like this one quite a bit now.
Beautiful work.I like it so much.....
Plastic Card.
nice work. keep it coming :)
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