Quite minimalist, for me. It's all relative.
The Ballpoint One.
I'm really not happy with this, it seriously isn't working. There are bits of it that I like, for example, the train ticket and the fiver. The rest, however, is a mess. I'll keep you posted on this one. It WILL change.
The Diary.
Some of you may recognize this. It's the pocket at the back of my diary Moley. The drawing is an oldie. But I like it, so thought I'd post it again - while I'm on the subject.
I like them all! The ballpoint one is my favorite. I love the detail of the curls and crown of the Queen.
Thanks for sharing the inside covers!
what do you mean it dose'nt work . . . it looks amazing!
Geez, doesn't work? it knocks my socks off!!! Beautiful work and great ideas.
every one of these are killer, i love how easy you make it look.
I think they're great! Beautiful work.
these are great! haha i can't believe you think that one is a mess. it's funny how critical we are of our own work. by the way, it's not a mess from where i'm sitting! it's quite lovely.
These are all lovely and so well done. I had never thought about decorating the inside covers like this. I've got work to do :)
I will be interested in what you do to the one that "isn't working". Do you ever 'erase'?
Just wanted you to know that I check your blog regularly just to go: Ooooh!! I think about your work and try to imitate it. I'm not in your league, but it is getting better just from looking at your work and practicing.
Amazing the power of art and technology to affect someone on the other side of the pond.
Your work is just wonderful. Truly something to aspire to.
You don't like the ballpoint one?! That was the first one I saw AND LOVED on Flickr. I didn't see the diary one on Flickr though - that one is very cool. Loving your work, as usual. Pip x
I actually love the front of the moleskin, but it made me all very insecure about my own inside covers!!
visit my blog here at
the squid pirate
Thank you all, guys.
Deedee, yep, I do erase. Although, I used ink for these ones so no erasing. I've nothing against it though. Nothing at all.
Watercolour Sunday, thank you. That's really kind.
Pippa, I have posted the diary one before, way back in September 2007.
Cheers, everyone. Hope I've answered all the questions.
They're all great! Funny that you don't like the ballpoint one?! My fave is the diary, totally your neat style!
I love your drawings! You're very talented! What kind of pen do you use for the sepia drawings? I've never seen one that color.
Thanks, girls.
Annie Sarah, the sepia pen is a Pilot fineliner pen. You can also get a sepia and a sanguine (which is very nice, too)Faber and Castell pen.
Andrea, these are awesome.
Love them all, including the one you're so perfectionistically not happy about.
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