Well, today is my blogs second birthday. I did have something planned for it, but didn't quite pull it off in time. Ambitious but rubbish, that's me. It will still happen - just not when I intended. Anyway, all will be revealed in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned folks. My excuse, for not getting my act together, this time, is that I am frantically trying to get some of this children's book down on paper. The aim is five drawings by the end of the month. Yikes.
This birthday is a good opportunity to say another big thank you to all you guys. For all the visits, the comments and the encouragement that you've given me over the last couple of years. I've learnt so much in that time. On lots of levels. It has been quite a journey. The fact that you choose to join me makes me happier than you'll ever know. Cheers.
Happy Birthday Andrea's sketchblog! Thanks for letting us all come along for the ride, your work is so inspiring. Looking forward to the exciting things you have planned and good luck with the childrens book!
Becka :o)
Congrats on two years! That's very exciting. I only just started following your blog recently, but the work is so gorgeous. Keep it up.
I used to hate brown ... but you sure do make me love it!
First of all, congatulations on your two year birthday blog! Secondly, I love your drawings. They just give a simple (and at the same time complexed) view of things that we use everyday. I just love them. Kiss *
Yay, happy blog birthday! :D
Congrats! :)
Happy birthday Andrea Joseph's Sketchblog! Thank you for sharing your adventures in the world of drawing. :)
I have only very recently discovered your blog, and am so glad I did. Your drawing is an inspiration. I hope you continue for at least another two years so I can follow.
"Happy Birthday...you beautiful little sketchblog you! Thanks for taking us all along for such a joyful ride! Congrats Andrea! :)
Happy bloggy birthday! May the year ahead be filled with magical pixie happenings :)
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
Love the drawing, brilliant as usual!
Happy blogbirthday Andrea. It has been such a wonderful pleasure to follow our beautiful art in those years.
The best news is, you are working on your book!!!!!! YEAH!!! Save me a ccpy when it is published.
Congrats on your second birthday! Since I just started following your blog, I went back the whole 2 yrs and all I can say is WOW!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. I look forward to all those great bks you will publish!(sending good vibes!)
You and your art are a true inspiration! would love to see you at work!
Happy Birthday dear AJSblog da da da duh da do. !!!and many more- I just LOVE to sing
and thank you for sharing all your wonderful work with us - Eye candy whenver I visit - just yummy!
As you can see by the comments, we are all happy to be along for the ride. Only one complaint from me...need more. Thanks for the great work you put out.
Happy 2 years and hope for many more to come! Hurra! (that´s in swedish :-) )
Beautiful work and happy second birthday for your blog.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Andrea's blog
Happy Birthday to you!!
And many more...........
Happy Blog Birthday Andrea! Love the sketch, brilliant idea! Lots of luck with the book - it can only look amazing!
You are in a class of your own, Happy Birthday.
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing you talent with us all.
Happy bloga birthday! I've following your artistic journey. Best of luck on your children's book!!
BIG CONGRATULATIONS and I look forward to another fanciful, whimsical year of your fabulous posts!
Andrea, you are so lovely and wonderful! Your blog is a constant inspiration - it's the place to come if I want to be blown away. Happy 2nd birthday! So pleased to hear that you're working on the children's book!
Thank you all, folks. Really, thank you. I apprecaite each and everyone of your comments.
I'm working on answering all the messages, emails and comments I've recieved over the last few weeks. The amount I've recieved has been overwhelming. Sometimes some slip through the net (I have a crappy email account too, which doesn't help) and I appologise to anyone I haven't got back to. I always try to answer every one.
And, one day soon, when I get some time, I will visit ALL of your lovely blogs. And spread some of the support and encouragement you've sent my way.
Cheers, everyone.
I am one day late to wish you a happy blog birthday!
This may not have been the intended drawing for the occasion, but what a beautiful and poetic piece, my friend!
You have been such a tremendous inspiration. I will thank the fairy who motivated you to put your work out there.
I've just started reading your blog. Love the pictures you are doing for the book in your head. I am amazed at how you take them and get them down on paper so well.
Happy blog birthday.
Congratulations ol' namesake. I don't visit nearly often enough but it's always a delight.
Happy blog birthday. I'm coming up on two years in January and plan to give away a chance to give away one of my caricatures. IF your plans were to give away one of your illustrations I'm ALL OVER THAT!! You name your terms and I'll be there.
Cheers to you Andrea. I remember when it all started. The first post... It's been a great two years.
Best warm wishes to you and your blog, Miss Andrea. You are a real muse to me.
hey Andrea! your work is simply awesome! love the way you capture the frames of life and the objects dwell in that realm. i am glad that i found you here. looking forward to see more and many more inspiring work. :)
Happy blog birhtday! Fantastic drawing, you draw wood so perfectly! I showed your work to my dad, he was very impressed and wouldn't believe me that you draw with ordinary ballpoint pen...
Thank you all, folks. I'm really touched by your comments. Cheers.
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