I have actually drawn those buttons about 3 or 4 times already, and you know what, I ain't finished with them yet. You can see the orange, green and red boxes, that hold collections of tiny orange, green and red things, behind the Moo card. And you thought I made this stuff up, didn't you? Nope, I really am that anal.
Finally, ONE of my pencil cases. The colour ballpoint pencil case. Obviously. Brightens the place up a bit, don't you think? Anyway, you can see the full set of snaps featuring my Moos in all sorts of compromising positions HERE.
You know, the internet is the best thing that's ever happened to recluses.
Hi Andrea, I found your blog via the Moo blog. I must say, I am blown away by your beautiful work.
And the Moleskine project is just such a great idea!
I visit your blog often. Your drawings inspire to keep trying. I love your sepia colors and your odd objects. The empty jars were haunting.
I love your work!
And the Moo cards are great!!!!
the moo collection is wonderful, and so are your other collections. I love collecting things, and personally collect tea tags (on the end of tea bags). getting ready to design a moo set for my first 100 trudger drawings as well. keep up the good work!
Hi Andrea, Just wonder what brand of color ballpoint pens you use. I have been looking for something with a wide range of color choices.
So much fun to see the real things you've used as models for your amazing artwork. And I love your moo cards!!
I learned about Moo cards from you - they're awesome, thanks! I enjoy seeing your inspiration, too. Maybe I should did out that old tin of buttons I got from my mother after she passed away.
I have to agree about the internet for artist recluses! Right now I'm really enjoying a break from the art-gallery scene. I feel more in control with the internet.
These are sooooooo cute! :)
Thanks, folks.
Trudger, I too have a tea tag colection! Who'd have thought there would be more than one of us?! And, I've drawn it on more than one occasion. Uploading a 100 images should be fun, if not time consuming. Perhaps you should get two sets don. one for you and the second for a bit of Moo swapping (hint hint).
Sherry, you should definately dig it out. A drawing could be a lovely tribute.
Thanks to all the visitors - old and new. Cheers!
You are i.n.c.r.e.d.i.b.l.e. Really.
Totally brill!!!!
I discovered Moo cards on Bebo, so now I recommend them to my students to use as business cards.
But you're photos of your Moos are great fun.
i agree, fellow recluse! your moos are fabulous :)
Thank you, guys,
Sosser, I love recluses. George Harrison was probably my all time favourite recluse!
I'd love to trade a moo or two with you. Let me know if you are interested!
Oh this is such a sweet set of images!
Thank you both.
You're on, Andrea.
I just have to say I think your drawings are great. Like Sydney, I'd also like to know where you get all the different coloured ballpoint pens?! Seriously!!! I've always wanted coloured ballpoints but I've never seen them in any stores.
Cheers, Mark.
I just got them at the supermarket. They were really cheap, less than £1 for about 12. I really don't know anywhere that stocks them. I just saw them at the supermarket and bought about 10 packs. Sorry that's not much use, but if you ever do see them buy lots.
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