I hope you'll all join me in wishing
GrIfF a HaPpY sIxTh BiRtHdAy. It's hard to know what to draw a six year old boy, as I'm ToTaLly RuBbIsH at drawing SuPeRhErOs and CaRs. In fact, gRiFf is mUcH MuCh better, at drawing those things, than me. So, I settled, inexplicably, for AlPhAbEtTi on ToAsT. You've got to love aLpHaBeTtI, hAvEn'T yOu? Being able to SpElL your NaMe with your DiNnEr has to be the cOoLeSt thing EvEr. And, when you've fInIsHeD eAtInG you can wAsH iT DoWn with a lovely CuP oF tEa like
ThIs OnE.
HaVe A wOnDeRfUl BiRtHdAy GrIfFy!!!
sweet post! I always loved alphabet soup or alphabet anything, for that matter, when I was a kid. Happy Birthday, Griffy!
Happy Birthday to Griff!!
(Suddenly, I'm hungry...)
Yes! Happy Birthday Griff!!! I would be pretty stoked to have my name in toast! Really cool Andrea!
I had to come look here too - that was it, Alphabetti Spaghetti! This is so perfect for a boy, brilliant idea!
WOW! Absolutely amazing! Please please don't tell me it was drawn from the genius that is your head?!
Happy birthday, Griff! What a great name. And a great drawing too!
Thank you all, folks.
I love Alphabetti, being able to spell your name with your dinner is too much excitement for me (I live a sheltered life!).
Pippa, I drew the toast from life and the Alphabetti from my head. In fact, all the time I was drawing it I was thinking 'mmm, I'd love some Alphabetti'. So today bought some and had it for my dinner! (And, I still haven't forgotten about your prize).
Thats BEAUTIFUL ... happy birthday Griff!!!!!!
I must say though I've never experienced the joy (obviously) of alphabetti on toast ...
Seriously, Mithi? And you call yourself British?? You don't know what you're missing. Hehehe.
Happy Birthday Griff!
Such a fun age, you captured it very well Andrea!
Beautifully done - you have such an eye for detail. Happy birthday Griff!
Oh Andrea!!!! My birthday is coming up and I like toast too!!!!! This is awesome...almost as awesome as Griff in his costume.
These days my toast is smothered with Nutella, but Alphabet soup sounds good too...
Thank you guys. For the kind words and the birthday wishes.
Suzanne, we are a Nutella loving family. It's SO good on toast - ever tried peanut butter AND Nutella on toast? It's really good with ice cream too. MmmMmmMmmmm.
Here in Italy, the only 2 things that can make agree all italinans are the national soccer team and Nutella, that they use to put on crepes or in pizza: just plain pizza brad all covered with Nutella. All pizzerias have it.
For your ears only: I don't like Nutella, I can't stand more than a bit.
What a great drawing. Wonderful idea and so cute!
What a perfect birthday present...all the small fry i know would LOVE this...
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