A while ago I asked you if anyone could guess the song that inspired the drawing you can see
HERE. The answer was Johnny Cash's cover of the Nine Inch Nails single 'Hurt'. It's a stunningly gorgeous song, great album and, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful videos ever made. You can see that video
Out of my medicine cabinet, dang it!!
You have such a wonderful talent for composition and you top that with your awesome drawings!!
Perfection! The only thing that matches your talent for drawing is your wonderful wit! I need some of that procrastanoid! LOL
Absolutely perfect ... I SOOOOOOOOOOO love your sense of humour - almost as much as your drawing talent ;)
Wicked sense of humor, my dear. I like the simpler line drawings as well.
Yes! I agree about the song/video. And the drawing is pure poetry!
Question: is procrastinoid cream compatible with inadequacy lotion, cos I need both!
Great stuff, Andrea!
You are simply amazing. I still am in awe that you accomplish these beautiful explorations with ball point pens. I would give anything to sit and watch you push one of these out! Thanks for sharing.
I just love your sense of humor - very clever. Is this stuff sold over the counter in the UK. We can't seem to get any of it here in the colonies ;)
Also, thanks for sharing the Johnny Cash tune - I had forgotten about that song. Both June and Johnny are gone now - so sad.
Thank you folks.
Sdzsmith, yeah the fact that they are gone makes that video all the more poignant, I think. Such a beautiful video.
Witness, wow, thanks. I'm touched.
AJ's Remedies will be bringing out this new range in the next couple of weeks. Just put your name down, the product you want and the quantity. Thank you.
Amazing! You show us that we can draw upon any kind of object for our picture-making! I bought some Deep Heat today as the weather is getting cooler and bones and muscles start to ache!
Again, you make amazing art out of objects we all look at every day, without seeing the possibilities.
Great squidgy tubes! Love it.
I always love your obsessively detailed drawings, but something about the simplicity of that one at the bottom is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing it Andrea
Wonderful tubes in a beautiful composiition. I love that twisted one in the middle..
The moment I looked beyond the beautiful drawing itself and spied the word "Procrastanoids", Diet Coke came out of my nose!
What a treat to find your work. The creativity smooshes all the way over the pond to us. I really enjoyed your blogs. Thanks for sharing.
Love how you've arranged the objects. 'Hurt' is an extreme powerful song indeed and I don't think I will ever forget how Johnny Cash sounds on this track.
Thanks, folks.
Such a beautiful song, and yes, Ella, there is something so poweful about his aged voice.
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