Saturday, March 15, 2008

the line it is drawn

There is not a great deal of drawing going on at the moment. I'm still wiped out after the last one. And still no colour. I do, however, have a pile of half finished drawings that seems to be growing all the time. Thought I'd finish one today. This one.

Everyday Matters #17, draw a musical instrument.


Pippa said...

Very cool indeed. Finish off those drawings - or at least show us the half-finished drawings?

The Word Illustrated said...

Beautiful drawing!

no way said...

Great strings-especially the one facing toward the viewer-that angle is a tough one.

I love looking at everything on your sketchblog-especially the older stuff I never saw when it was originally posted. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Alan said...

great drawing.

Jennifer Lawson said...

Love the way you cropped the instrument.

Teri said...

What an interesting viewpoint!! Love those strings.

wagonized said...

That's a very sweet one. Some people like to cut their strings at the end there, but i like twirling them just like that.

juj said...

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with a pile of half-finished drawings sitting around their house (stuffed in their bag, under the bed...) I often wonder how is it I am so great at starting something new, and not so great at finishing anything? especially lately...

You were certainly great at finishing one of yours tho - simply beautiful. And I LOVE those curly guitar strings!!

Shelly McC said...

Wow! Gorgeous!

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Super drawing and curved lines are more interesting than straight lines on the page. Musical instruments have great shapes to draw, especially the strings.

littlemithi said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... is all I can say ;)

Blanquita de los Bosques said...

I love the picture and the texture! Great!

Cara Carmina said...

Hello! I found your blog at jacketflap and I wanted to let you know how much I love your work! is really beautiful!!!

come visit me some day! is about children illustration!

ciao now!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Thank you all folks. I definately had doubts about posting this. There is something wrong with it but I can't put my finger on what. It just looked like such a good subject. Especially those twirly strings.

Lots more halfifnished drawings, but they usually are half finished for a reason - they are no good. God, I'm the worse self-critic.

Thank you all.

Gillian Mowbray said...

Very clever drawing - it has an almost abstract quality. I love the way the strings curl round, giving movement to the piece.

Mark Kwasny said...

Are we not our own worst critiques? For us novices, your work is compelling and striking. Even your not-so-finished work is a masterpiece for those of us who are striving to get better at our craft. Keep up the great work!


E-J said...

My eye cannot see whatever wrong thing is troubling yours. (That's probably why I can't draw like this!)

And finished schminished. I'd love to see the unfinished stuff!

Cheryl Gebhart said...

I love this! It's really cool.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Thank you, folks.

Siret said...

Very nice MATRIX guitar! I like your illustrations very much!

PocketsOfInspiration said...

WOW. Beautiful.