Yes, another case. This is the deluxe edition. There are many scale issues with this one, but overall, I am really very happy with it. I spent the entire day drawing this, yesterday. Literally. There are clues to somebody's identity in this drawing, but I think only the Brits would recognize this person. Any ideas?
**Thanks everyone for the visits and guesses. The answer is James May. I've added all the notes
HERE. **
This is awesome!! Your stuff always amazes me.
oh and I want to listen to Joni Mitchell now...
Amazing as always Andrea. I've no idea who it is (as usual) but if you want me I'll be in the bar.
I'm absolutely, as you Brits would say, gobsmacked! A wonderful and confident pen drawing. I admire your talent and your patience.
This is wonderful. I have no idea who it belongs to, though. You could do a series of cases belonging to various people--friends, relatives, famous people.
This Brit has absolutely no idea who.
Another great drawing, Andrea ... How wonderful to spend an entire day doing what one loves most!
Beautiful. How I would love to spend the whole day on one drawing like this. I envy you. The clues are lost on this Yankee, I suppose, but I love the drawing. Your work almost always conjures in me feelings of quiet, rest, and a little adventure mixed in. Very fun!
Another brit with no idea. Sorry!
*plays Joni on iTunes*
You are just such an awesome artist!!!
I won't even try to guess -- i am just going to get back to it, stare at it some more and get lost in the details. AWEsome.
Aw dang, this one is drawing a total blank. Another masterful drawing A! I want a suitcase like this!!!! I only have those generic rolly American ones ... I'll be back. I need to ponder a little more.
These are fantastic. Well, I see the person seems to be travelling to Australia, so I am guessing Eric Idle because he's here at the moment. None of the other clues seem to match though! Oh David Beckham is here too, but I can't see him with the Sherlock Holmes pipe!
No idea! Brilliant drawing though and I love these quizzes! The cartoonist who drew Captain Pugwash, John Ryan is from Yorkshire, that's all I can think of. And that packet of Lil Lets is very perplexing as it looks like a middle aged or older male. Prince Charles comes to mind! ;)
Permission to say 'cock'! I just worked it out - I think. James May? It explians that flowery shirt and pipe combo!!
Just discovered your blog.. I agree with everyone else, your work is awesome! Very precise and tight, I really enjoy looking at each drawing. :)
Yeah Felicity!! Absolutely, it is the fabulous James May. I'm glad this one was a little more difficult, but I was thinking that may be it was a bit too obscure. I'll put all the answers on Flickr...soon.
Thank you all for your guesses and kind comments. I really like this one myself.
Cheers guys!
I love how you managed to draw the different textures like cloth and paper. I watched Top Gear a few times, but I didn't know anything about James May. But thanks to you and Wikipedia I now know he enjoys pipe smoking and real ale :-).
John Ryan lives in Rye now, though. My aunt is one of the artists in that thriving artist community and knows him quite well. Last I heard he was pretty ill, though... :(
What rich, imagination-fuelling worlds you create Andrea!
I see no "scale issues", and I will never how you manage those straight lines without a ruler...
Your drawings are very confident and well done, I like seeing them, and even though I can not answer the questions I think that is fun and interesting as well. Thanks.
You are very humble remarking on the scale issues, I think at best they would be hard to pick out, and in addition to that - the drawing is good independant of scale.
My Blog
James May? Who? This is one Brit who's never heard of him. LOL.
Fabulous drawing though. Erm...what's the Lillet's connection?
A stunning drawing andrea with such neat detail! I wish my case could look like this when I pack...
Sorry, never heard of James May. Elton John is coming to Ausralia this week but it don't look like his packing! He's a nuisance actually as my friend's daughter had to change her wedding booking to make way for Elton to do a gig at Werribee Mansion!
And of course the drawing is fabulous as usual.
Who's James May? Ah well, it's a really wonderful drawing.
I'd love to know who James May is too! beautiful drawing.... I'm enjoying your blog!
Thanks everyone,
I'm very happy with this drawing, in fact I think it May be one of my all time favourites!
Cheers folks.
So lovely!
Oh Andrea - you never fail to amaze. Looking back through the comments, I see that that word comes up a lot - oh dear, I 'm so struck with admiration that I've lost my verbal skills.
Wow, I love this, it's brilliant, like looking in through windows ...
Your work never ceases to amaze me.......all that detail and shading....excellent stuff!
Thanks for such kind words everyone. This week James May won Heat magazines 'Weird Crush Poll'. And I thought I was the only one...
Cheers folks.
Hi Andrea, I just want to say that I am a visual artist and I do think that art is an addiction in some ways. Maybe we need to redefine what addiction is all about, rethink it. After three days, if I cannot make it into the studio, I am getting very twitchy. If we were not driven, I do not think we would make art so consistently. I do like your soft and soulful art. Check out my sketching blog at http://nightvisionjournal.blogspot.com/ Blessings to you,
Renee in Seattle
no idea who could that be. but the drawing is awesome!
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