I really didn't want to post this as it's a bit rubbish. I'm in a right old drawing funk at the moment. I've had a very frustrating weekend. Even though I've been drawing and drawing I'm just not happy with any of it. She's the best of a bad bunch.
an online sketchbook
Well, *I* like her!
Does the original look so sad? I hope the frustration passes soon, because I think it is more your perception than the actual quality of your work. Maybe something's going on in life that has you distracted and anxious; when it passes, you'll see your efforts more positively again.
Oooh Ryan, it's funny you should say that. The original has always had a sadness in her eyes. I used to wonder about the lady who painted her, was I seeing her sadness? I tried and tried to make her look a little happier but I just couldn't! Wow, I find that really interesting, and, I'm going to rename this post 'sad eyes'!!
Cheers Natalie.
You seem to produce rubbish of a very high standard!
Any of your pieces are really great pieces. Maybe this is less complex, or ambitious, or deep than others you've made before, but surely there's a lot of AJ in it.
Tomorrow you'll see it with other eyes. Not so sad.
Don't worry, be happy!
I speak for myself I love this russian doll's I have one's but unfortunatley they don't came from Russia, I find them in a fair in Bragança city, but I love them the same.
Love your doll! Have a great week!
well call me a rubbish lover
She has such beautiful "sad eyes". I must tell you that I really love your style and execution. I know your "down on yourself" will pass - you are too good at what you do to let a bad week stop you. Thank you for all the wonder you share through this sketchblog.
Ok, I will lend you my eyes to see her with, just for a little while though...wouldn't want you getting too confident! ;)
Thanks guys.
I kind of wish I hadn't posted this, I think it may just annoy me every time I come to this blog. I was thinking perhaps I should add some text, a shadow, something. Maybe I will, maybe then it'll annoy me less. Thanks for being kind about it anyway.
Anita, there is no danger of that happening (me getting too confident). Not in this lifetime!!
Cheers all.
Au contraire! This drawing is lovely Andrea! I really do love it ... the colors, the shapes, her eyes. You rock my friend!
Rubbish....ha! I love your "rubbish." Sorry you've been having a bad drawing week...boy, can I relate!
I love your text on this post. Too clever. I almost lost my head.
One man's trash is another man's treasure so they say. I personally love your "rubish".
I'm sorry you've been having an off week. I'm sending you a virtual hug and warm thoughts hoping you feel better soon.
I have three sets of the dolls, one from Russia when my brother went. Mine too are faded in the sun , but I love them. You have captured it wonderfully.
Love the soft jimjams, beautifully done as always.
Rubbish! That's what I say, not your drawing, but your opinion of it! So there!
You are very talented my dear..
No need to be so hard on yourself. This is beautiful..I absolutely love it! I wish I wish I could draw like this! :) Priscilla
hello from Russia! =)
thanks and good luck!
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